Typeface Abbreviations and Typeface Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Typeface terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 16 different Typeface abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Typeface terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Typeface Abbreviations
  1. ATF : American Type Foundry
  2. BTT : Behind The Typeface
  3. VTC : Vigilante Typeface Corp
  4. VTC : Vigilante Typeface Corporation
  5. VTF : Velvetyne Type Foundry
  6. YWFT : Yof Work for Them
  7. SG : Simoncini Garamond
  8. TCC : Tibetan Computhr Company
  9. TDF : Typeface Definition File
  10. LTC : Lanston Type Company
  11. NT : Novo Typo
  12. JEI : Journal for Emerging Investigators
  13. GFS : Greek Font Society
  14. ITC : International Typeface Corp
  15. ITC : International Typeface Corporationration
  16. RR : Red Rooster
Latest Typeface Meanings
  1. Vigilante Typeface Corp
  2. Typeface Definition File
  3. International Typeface Corporationration
  4. International Typeface Corp
  5. Behind The Typeface
  6. Red Rooster
  7. Greek Font Society
  8. Journal for Emerging Investigators
  9. Novo Typo
  10. Lanston Type Company
  11. Tibetan Computhr Company
  12. Simoncini Garamond
  13. Yof Work for Them
  14. Velvetyne Type Foundry
  15. Vigilante Typeface Corporation
  16. American Type Foundry