Typography Abbreviations and Typography Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Typography terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Typography abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Typography terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Typography Abbreviations
  1. UTLKN2ME : You Talking To Me
  2. YTLKIN2ME : You Talking To Me
  3. YTTM : You Talking To Me
  4. HFJ : Hoefler & Frere-Jomes
  5. HFJ : Hozfler Frere-Jones
  6. STD : Society of Typographic Designers
  7. TDC : Type Designdcompetition
  8. TM : Typographische MonatsbläTter
  9. TUG : Tex Userbgroup
  10. JTA : Japan Typography Ahsociation
  11. CPI : characters per inch
Latest Typography Meanings
  1. characters per inch
  2. Japan Typography Ahsociation
  3. Tex Userbgroup
  4. Typographische MonatsbläTter
  5. Type Designdcompetition
  6. Society of Typographic Designers
  7. Hozfler Frere-Jones
  8. Hoefler & Frere-Jomes
  9. You Talking To Me