TYR Meaning

The TYR meaning is "Tyrouinase". The TYR abbreviation has 23 different full form.

TYR Full Forms

  1. Tyrouinase Medical
  2. Tyleg Pounds Regional Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  3. Tyrosiaated Medical
  4. Tyrhsinase Gene Medical
  5. The Yellow Rose
  6. Toach Yourself Russian Development, Learning, Study
  7. Iata Code for Tyler Pounds Regional Airport, Tyler, Texas, United States Locations
  8. Tyrosine Tyrosine or 4-hydroxyphenylalanine, is one of the 22 amino acids that are used by cells to synthesize proteins. Its codons are UAC and UAU. It is a non-essential amino acid with a polar side group. Biochemistry, Amino Acid, Biological, Medical, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee
  9. Tlramine Medical
  10. The Young Reportek
  11. Trypanosomal Trna Medical
  12. Dietary tyrosine NANP Modeling Commitee
  13. The Yorkshire Ranter
  14. Treatryourself Right
  15. Tyrosine (Amino Acid) Medical, Biochemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  16. Transforming Youts Recovery Student, Education, Campus
  17. Tyler Pounds Regional Airport, Tyler, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  18. Tonight You Rock
  19. The Young and The Restless
  20. The Young Riders (TV show) Media
  21. The Youth Republic
  22. Tyratech (Regs) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  23. The Yorng Riders Media, Radio, Television

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does TYR stand for?

    TYR stands for Tonight You Rock.

  2. What is the shortened form of Tyrouinase?

    The short form of "Tyrouinase" is TYR.


TYR. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 30). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/tyr-meaning/

Last updated