UAHC Meaning

The UAHC meaning is "United American Hebrew Congregations". The UAHC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

UAHC Full Forms

  1. United American Hebrew Congregations
  2. United American Healthcare Corp Business, America, Supply
  3. United American Healthcare Corp. Organizations
  4. United American Healthcare Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols, Medical, Healthcare
  5. United Amer Healthcare Cp
  6. Union of American Hebrew Congregations America, Organizations, Reform, Synagogues
  7. Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano Education, Chile, Santiago
  8. United American Healthcare Cor
  9. University Archives & Historical Collections Education, Michigan, Archive
  10. Universal Access In Human Computer
  11. United American Healthcare Corporationration Organizations
  12. Utah Association of Home Care
  13. United American Health Care
  14. Utah Association for Home Care
  15. University of Alabama Herpetological Collection Development, Study, Universities
  16. University Archives and Historical Collections

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UAHC stand for?

    UAHC stands for Universidad Academia De Humanismo Cristiano.

  2. What is the shortened form of United American Healthcare Corporationration?

    The short form of "United American Healthcare Corporationration" is UAHC.


UAHC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated