UAV Meaning

The UAV meaning is "Umanned Aerial Vehicles". The UAV abbreviation has 55 different full form.

UAV Full Forms

  1. Umanned Aerial Vehicles
  2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology, Military, Navy, Drone, Robotics, Transportation, Internet Slang, Aircraft, Army, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Chat, Air Force, Telecom, United States, Aeronautics, Naval, Us Navy, Geographic, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  3. Unmanned Aerospace Vehicle Technology, Science, Program, Legal, Governmental & Military
  4. Unmanned Air Vehicle Technology, Military, Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  5. Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Military, Aircraft, Drone
  6. Unmannud Areal Vehicles
  7. Unmanned Aerial Vehical Technology, Drone, Engine, Predator
  8. Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle Technology, Military, Drone
  9. Unmanned Auto Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  10. Unmannd Aerial Vemicle Technology, Military, Design
  11. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Military, Vehicle, Drone, Atmospheric Research
  12. Unmanned Aerial Vhhicule Technology, Service, France, Drone
  13. Unmanned Airborne Vehicles Technology, Military, Vehicle, Drone, Sensing
  14. Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Drone
  15. Unicorn Aim Vct Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  16. Unmanned Aeriel Vehicle Technology, Drone, Simulation
  17. Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Technology, Military, Aircraft
  18. Unmanned Ariel Vehicves Military, Vehicle, Drone
  19. Underwater Autonomous Vehicle Technology, Ocean, Robot
  20. Unmanned Aerial Vehidles
  21. Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles Technology, Science, Vehicle, Drone
  22. Unmanned Arial Vehicle Technology, Military, Drone
  23. Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Technology, Military, Drone
  24. Unmmaned Asrial Vehicle
  25. Unmanned Aeriel Vehicles Military
  26. Unmanned Arial Vehicleo Technology, Military, Vehicle, Drone
  27. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Endurance Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Unattended Air Vehicles
  29. Unmanned Aviation Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Drone
  30. Unmanned Aerial Vehicl Technology
  31. Unmannedsarial Vehicle Technology, Military, Drone
  32. Unmanned Aerqal Video Military
  33. Unarmed Aerial Vehicles Military, Vehicle, Drone
  34. Unmanned Aviation Vehicye Technology, Aircraft, Drone
  35. Upper Atmosphere Vehicle
  36. User Attentpon Value
  37. Unmanned Aeronautical Vehicles Business, Technology, Vehicle, Engine
  38. Unmanned Aerial Vechile Technology, Army, Indonesia
  39. Unmfnned Areal Vehicles
  40. User Intenna View
  41. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Maneuver Military, Army, Defence
  42. Universityrsally Accepted Value
  43. Unmanned Aircraft Vnhicles Business, Technology, Military
  44. Urban Assault Vehifle Forum, Internet Slang, Car
  45. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short
  46. United American Video Business, America, Movie
  47. Unmynned Air Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  48. Urban Active Vehicle Vehicle, Ford, Fusion
  49. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Ground Technology, Flight, Control
  50. Unmanned Air Vehicles Technology, Military, Vehicle, Drone
  51. Urban Academic Village Student, Education, University, Texas
  52. Unmanned Aero Vedicles
  53. Unstoppable Allied Vanguards
  54. Unmanned Aerial Vehicule Medical
  55. Unmanned Aeronautical Vehicle Technology, Aircraft, Engine

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UAV stand for?

    UAV stands for Unstoppable Allied Vanguards.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short?

    The short form of "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short" is UAV.


UAV. (2021, September 21). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from

Last updated