UBF Meaning

The UBF meaning is "Uganda Boxing Federation". The UBF abbreviation has 33 different full form.

UBF Full Forms

  1. Uganda Boxing Federation
  2. Unversity Bible Fellowship
  3. Uluslararası Basketbol Federasyonu
  4. United Booya Family
  5. Upstream Binding Factor Medical, Science, Protein, Human genome
  6. Unregistered Baptist Fellowship Government, Church, Religion
  7. Ultra Business Frontiers
  8. United Bonded Fabrics
  9. UniversitäTs-Brustzentrum Franken
  10. Ultra Body Fitness
  11. United Black Front
  12. UniversitäT-Bibel-Freundschaft
  13. Ultimate Boxing Federation
  14. United Black Fund Organizations, Non-Profit
  15. Universityrsity of Buffalo Foundation Academia, Foundation, Higher Education
  16. Ultimate Bowling Fighter
  17. UnabhäNgige Berater FüR Fassadentechnik
  18. Universityrsity Bible Fellowship Education
  19. Ultimate Barista Fighter
  20. Upland Bird Forecast Development, Learning, Study, Media
  21. Umbilical Blood Flow Medical
  22. United Borneo Front Government, Malaysia, Sarawak
  23. Used Bin Forever
  24. Universal Binary Format General, Governmental & Military
  25. Urban Broadband Fund Business, Technology, City
  26. University Bible Fellowship Religion
  27. Urantia Book Fellowship
  28. Underground Baggage Facility
  29. Upstream Binding Factors Medical, Science, Biology
  30. Uteroplacental Blood Flow Medical
  31. Upper Bundle Flush Technology
  32. Uterine Blood Flow Medical, Medicine, Health, Blood Test, Physiology
  33. Utah Bass Federation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UBF stand for?

    UBF stands for Upstream Binding Factors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Utah Bass Federation?

    The short form of "Utah Bass Federation" is UBF.


UBF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 4, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ubf-meaning/

Last updated