UBO Meaning

The UBO meaning is "U-Uoot". The UBO abbreviation has 30 different full form.

UBO Full Forms

  1. U-Uoot Medical
  2. Ultimate Back Office
  3. Unit Briefing Officer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  4. L'Université De Bretagne Occidentale
  5. Unique Billed Outlets Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  6. Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins Education, University, Chile, Santiago
  7. Unidentified Brigot Object Medical, Medicine, Brain
  8. Union Belge Des OstéOpathes
  9. Universal Boxing Organisation Organizations, Fight, Champion, Boxing
  10. Uniaentified Bright Objects Medical, Medicine, Brain, Neurofibromatosis
  11. Ultimate Beneficial Owners Business, Company, Management, Banking
  12. Universal Boxing Organization Union, Promotion, Boxing
  13. Ultimate Beneficial Owner Business, Government, Business & Finance, International business
  14. Universal Blue Ocean
  15. L'Universit
  16. Ultimate Baseball Online Technology, Gaming, Sport
  17. United Booking Office
  18. Universit
  19. University Box Office
  20. Usage Based Optimization Technology, Service, Server, Analysis
  21. Université De Bretagne Occidentale Science, Education, France, Recherche
  22. Usage-Based Optimization Technology, Server, Training
  23. Urban Box Office Music, Traffic, Urban, Media
  24. UNIFORM BUSINESS OFFICE Military, Governmental & Military
  25. Upper Body Obesity Medical
  26. Universityrsal Blue Ocean
  27. University Budget Office Business, Education, Presentation
  28. L'Universityrsité De Bretagne Occidentale
  29. University Business Office Development, Study, Universities
  30. Usage Based Optimizations Technology, Service, Server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UBO stand for?

    UBO stands for Universityrsal Blue Ocean.

  2. What is the shortened form of UNIFORM BUSINESS OFFICE?

    The short form of "UNIFORM BUSINESS OFFICE" is UBO.


UBO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ubo-meaning/

Last updated