UCG Meaning
The UCG meaning is "Universal Command Group". The UCG abbreviation has 57 different full form.
UCG Full Forms
- Universal Command Group
- University College Galway Education, Ireland, Language, National
- Unquoted Companies Group
- Universidade CatóLica De GoiáS Education, Religion
- Unit Cost Goals Military
- Universal Combat Gold
- Underground Coal Gassification
- Unión De CréDito General
- Universidade CatóLica Do GoiáS
- Ultrasonic Cardiogram Medical
- Universal Communications Gateway Military, Army, Defence
- Underground Coal Gasification Technology, Science, Energy, Chemistry
- Univerzitet Crne Gore Education, University, Montenegro
- Universidad Casa Grande Para, Education, Ecuador
- Ultimate Coffeeshop Guide Organization, Union, Institution
- United Cement Group Technology, Economics, Kazakhstan
- Ultrasound Cardiography Medical
- Université Catholique Du Graben Education, University, Congo, Republic
- Universal Cryo Gas
- Ultimate Card Games
- Urban County Government
- United Carpets Group Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Ultrasonic Cardiography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
- Univeriityrsity College Galway Education
- United Church of God Religion
- Universal Convergence Gateway
- Uganda Clinical Guidelines
- Ural Contest Group Club, Russia, Locations
- United Capital Group
- Universityrsal Cosmunications Gateway Military, Army
- Universal Consulting Group
- University College, Galway College, Education, Ireland, Language
- United Cabbies Group Business, London, Driver, Taxi
- Universit
- Uterine Chorionic Gonadotlopin Medical, Medicine
- Urine Chorionic Gonpdotrophin
- University of Central Greece Technology, Education, Greece
- Usual Care Group
- Underground Compressed Gas Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Urinarynchorionic Gonadotrophin Medical
- University Cyber Games Gaming, University, Strike, Autumn
- User-Side Command Genetator Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Urinary chorionic gonadotrophin Medical, Physiology, Clinical
- Urethrocnstography Medical
- University College Groningen Science, Education, Arts
- Used Coffee Grsunds
- United Christian Giving Religion
- University Center Garage
- Urinary Chronic Gondadotropin Medical, Medicine
- University Centre Grimsby
- Urine Chorionic Gonadotropbn
- Universidade Cat
- Universityrsidade CatóLica Do GoiáS
- Upper Cumberland Grotto
- University Center of Greenville Student, Education, English
- Urinary Chorionic Gonadotropin Medical, Technology, Medicine, Cardio, Common Medical
- University of Crete, Greece
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UCG stand for?
UCG stands for University Center Garage.
What is the shortened form of Ultrasound Cardiography?
The short form of "Ultrasound Cardiography" is UCG.
UCG. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 28). Retrieved December 20, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ucg-meaning/
Last updated