UCLA in Funnies Meaning

The UCLA meaning in Funnies terms is "United Caucasians Living Among". There are 13 related meanings of the UCLA Funnies abbreviation.

UCLA on Funnies Full Forms

  1. United Caucasians Living Among
  2. University of Central Los Angeles
  3. Uptown Cookie and Loaf Academy
  4. Unable to Contain Lubick's Attack
  5. University of California for Lower Achievers
  6. University of California Liberals and Atheists
  7. University of Caucasians Lost Among
  8. Unbelievable Cheaters Lure Australians
  9. Under Construction in Los Angeles
  10. University of Confused Liberal Asians
  11. U See Los Angeles
  12. University of Caucasians Living Among
  13. Unimproved Carolina Loses Again

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UCLA stand for Funnies?

    UCLA stands for University of California for Lower Achievers in Funnies terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unable to Contain Lubick's Attack in Funnies?

    The short form of "Unable to Contain Lubick's Attack" is UCLA for Funnies.


UCLA in Funnies. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ucla-meaning-in-funnies/

Last updated