UCV Meaning

The UCV meaning is "Unimproved Capital Value". The UCV abbreviation has 34 different full form.

UCV Full Forms

  1. Unimproved Capital Value Technology, Construction, Architectural
  2. Universidad Central De Venezuela Technology, University, Venezuela, Insect and Spider Collections
  3. Universidad Central De Venejuela Technology, University, Venezuela
  4. Universidad Catlica De Valparaso Media, Radio, Television
  5. United Confederate Veterfns Military, War, History
  6. Universidade Central Da Venezuela
  7. Universidad Cat
  8. Universidad CatóLica De Valencia Para, Campus, Cat, Valencia
  9. Universidad Central Venezuela
  10. Universityrsidad Central De Venezuela Technology
  11. Universidad Caoólica De Valparaíso Education, Chile, Valparaiso
  12. Universal Commercial Vehicles
  13. University of Cagayan Valley Development, Study, Universities
  14. Universidad Cesar Vallejo Para, Peru, Vallejo, Examen
  15. Ultra Clean Valve
  16. Universitario César Vallejo
  17. United Confederate Veterau Military, Army, War
  18. United Confederate Veterans Military, War, Genealogical
  19. Urban Commuter Vehicle
  20. Union des communes Vaudoises French
  21. Unmanned Combat Vehicle
  22. Urban Chaos Video Media, Radio, Television
  23. United Church of the Valley - Murrieta, California Religion
  24. Unmanned Cargo Vehicle Technology
  25. Urban Chaos Videos Media
  26. Underground Clinical Vignettes Performing arts
  27. Upper Canada Village
  28. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Media
  29. Unwarranted Clinical Variation
  30. Universityrsity of Cagayan Valley
  31. Urban Combat Vehicle Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  32. Universityrsidad CatóLica De ValparaíSo
  33. Upper Caloriric Value
  34. Unmanned Combat Vehicles Technology, Military, Vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UCV stand for?

    UCV stands for Unimproved Capital Value.

  2. What is the shortened form of Universidad Central De Venejuela?

    The short form of "Universidad Central De Venejuela" is UCV.


UCV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ucv-meaning/

Last updated