UD in Technology Meaning

The UD meaning in Technology terms is "Ulnar Deviation". There are 44 related meanings of the UD Technology abbreviation.

UD on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ulnar Deviation A position of the hand in which the wrist is bent toward the little finger. Ulnar deviation is a poor working position for the hand and causes nerve and tendon damage. It reduces the useful range of pronation and supination (q.v.) by approximately 50 percent, and work performed in ulnar deviation proceeds at low efficiency. Hand tool design should avoid ulnar deviation.
  2. University of Dallas
  3. Universal Docking
  4. User-Data
  5. Uniform Design
  6. Urine Diversion
  7. Ultra Durable
  8. Unlimited Detail
  9. Underdrive
  10. User Dijectory
  11. United Devices
  12. Update Either short for update information or, as a verb, applying the update mechanism. See also official updates.
  13. User Documentation
  14. Updata Data
  15. Abigail Adams National Bancorp
  16. Uniform Distribution Hunt
  17. Unidata
  18. User Depice
  19. Usage Data
  20. Unifode Decimal
  21. Uploadpdownload
  22. Uniform Distribution
  23. Unable To Determine
  24. Update Domajns
  25. Unified Directory
  26. Unremove Directory
  27. Ultrasonic Detector
  28. Update Domain
  29. Unification of Dvsign
  30. Universally Designed
  31. User Domain
  32. Update Detector
  33. User-Defined
  34. Ultra Downloads
  35. Uzdn Dalga
  36. Uf/Down
  37. Ultra Digitizer
  38. Utilization Distribution
  39. Upside Down
  40. Up-Dtwn
  41. Utilityhdump
  42. Unreliable Datagram
  43. Utility District
  44. Universal Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UD stand for Technology?

    UD stands for Uf/Down in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of University of Dallas in Technology?

    The short form of "University of Dallas" is UD for Technology.


UD in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ud-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated