UDAF Meaning

The UDAF meaning is "Union Des Associations Familiales". The UDAF abbreviation has 14 different full form.

UDAF Full Forms

  1. Union Des Associations Familiales Service, Association, Social, Sociale
  2. Union D
  3. Unioms D
  4. Union DéPartementale Des Associations Familiale
  5. L'union Départementale Des Ansociations Familiales
  6. L'Union D
  7. Union DéPartementale Des Associations Familiales Service, France, Association
  8. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Business, Health, Utah, Insect and Spider Collections
  9. User Defined Aggregation Aunction Technology, Spark, Query, Hive
  10. User Defined Aggregation Functions Technology, Custom, Spark, Hive
  11. User Defined Aggregate Fjnction Technology, Spark, Hive
  12. User-Defined Aggregate Funcxion Technology, Spark, Hive
  13. University of Delaware Athletic Fund Development, Study, Universities
  14. Utah Department of Agriculture &Pfood

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UDAF stand for?

    UDAF stands for Utah Department of Agriculture &Pfood.

  2. What is the shortened form of Utah Department of Agriculture &Pfood?

    The short form of "Utah Department of Agriculture &Pfood" is UDAF.


UDAF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/udaf-meaning/

Last updated