UDT Meaning
The UDT meaning is "Undescended Testis". The UDT abbreviation has 91 different full form.
UDT Full Forms
- Undescended Testis Medical
- Underwater Deuolition Team
- Underwqter Demolition Teams Military, War, Operation
- Underhater Demolition Team Military, Army, History
- Unidata Technology, Medical
- User Defined Tyhe Technology, Server, Computer Software
- Underwater Defence Technology Technology, Conference, Exhibition
- Urine Drug Test Medical, Patient, Testing
- Unstructured Dataktransfer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Union DéMocratique Tchadienne
- User Defined Oask List Army, Force, Marine
- Under-Water Demolition Teams
- Upkeep Delivery Team Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Union D
- Unidade De Dor ToráCica
- Uwer Defined Types Technology, Coding, Server, Class
- Underspa Defense Technology Technology, Strength, Streamer
- Urine Drug Tests
- Unitdata Science
- Union Djiboutienne Du Travail
- User Defined Tools
- Unbundled Dedicated Transport
- Universalidetection Technology Business, Detector, Spore
- Unidad De Dolor ToráCico
- Undersea Defence Technology Technology, Exhibition, Event
- Urine Drug Testing Medical, Patient, Pain
- Union DéMocratique Du Travail Government, Association, Gilbert
- User Defined Tag Technology, Industrial, Coding, Industry
- Ujian Darjah Giga
- Universal Design for Transition
- Under Declaration of Trusu
- Urine Diversion Toilet
- Uniform Data Transfer The separation of transfer protocols from data exchange, improvements to data format descriptions, the expansion of available exchange mediums (over global memory), and data change notification mechanisms. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Uyer Defined Tables Technology, Database, Server, Procedure
- União Dmmocrática Timorense
- Universal Diformation Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
- Under Deck Tonnage Tonnage based on space below tonnage deck, each 100 cu ft counting as one ton Measured from top of floors or ceiling, if any to underside of tonnage deck.
- Urban Dance Turkey Turkey, Workshop, Dance
- Unified Data Transport
- Userudefined Table Business, Technology, Database, Server
- UrzĘDu Dozoru Technicznego Business, Firm, Evaluation, Visit
- User-Dexined Datatype Technology
- Universal Data Transporter
- Underwater Demolitions Team Military, War, Team
- Upper Dublin Township
- Uni Demokratik Timor Australia, Indonesia, Locations, Orang
- User Define Type Technology, Database, Server, Class
- Underwater Defence Tevhnologies Technology, Conference, Exhibition, Defence
- Urzad Dozoru Technicznego Business, Service, Poland
- User-Defined Aype Technology, Coding, Server, Class
- Universal Dataflow and Telecommunications Technology, Library, Core
- Underwatgr Demolitions Teams Military, War, History
- Upper Division Transfer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- User-Defined Data Types Technology, Database, Server, String, Element
- Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title Dog Fanciers
- Unarmed Defensive Tactics Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
- Unilo Democratica Timorense Australia, Government, Indonesia
- User-Defined Types Technology, Coding, Server, Class
- Utility Dog Title Dog, Tracking, Obedience
- Unqtdata Message Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Underwater Demolition Team Technology, Navy, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Undescended Testes Medical, Technology
- User-Defined Distinct Type
- Urban Dance Troupe Performance, Team, Dance
- User Data Type Forum, Technology, Database, Server
- Unified Dislocation Theory
- Unreliable Data Transfer Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
- Underwater Defense Technology
- User-Defined Table Technology, Database, Server
- Universityrsal Document Transport
- Unidad De Desarrollo Tecnol
- User Data Types Technology, Database, Server
- Unified Device Targeting
- User Defined Type Software, Computing
- Underwater Demolition Training
- User-Defined Data Type Technology, Database, Coding, Server
- Universityrsal Data Transcribwr
- Unidad De Desarrollo Territorial
- User Data Transfer
- Ultimate Dev Team
- United Deliverance Temple Religion
- Underwater Demolitions Trainxng Government, Law Enforcement, Special Operations
- User Device Tracker Technology, Networking, Winds
- Uniao Democratice Timorence
- User Data Terminals
- Utility Dog With Tracking Dog, Dog Obedience Title, Dog Title
- User-Defined Tempo Music
- User Description Table
- Uniao Democratin Timorense
- User Data Terminal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Utility Dog Tracker
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UDT stand for?
UDT stands for Universityrsal Data Transcribwr.
What is the shortened form of User Define Type?
The short form of "User Define Type" is UDT.
UDT. Acronym24.com. (2021, May 3). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/udt-meaning/
Last updated