UF Meaning
The UF meaning is "University of Florida". The UF abbreviation has 179 different full form.
UF Full Forms
- University of Florida Medical, Student, Science, Education, Gainesville, Florida
- Ultra Filtration A process that forces water through a filtering membrane by means of pressure gradients in order to obtain ultra pure water. Technology, Water, Forest Industry
- Unión Ferroviariq Para, Con, Contra
- Ultra-Filtration Science
- Universcdade Federal
- Ultimate Frisbee Education, Sport, Team
- Universal Format Technology, Science, Radar, Atmospheric Research
- Ultimate Force Gaming, Military, Play, Governmental & Military
- Ultra Fast
- Ultimate Fighting
- Ultra Fine Business, Stone, Triangle, Bench
- Urea Formaldehyde Business, Chemistry, Technology, Architecture, Resin
- Ultra-Fine Technology, Stone, Bench
- Up Front
- Ukrainian Front Military, War, Soviet
- Unseen Forces Gaming, Card, Force
- Unidadlfuncional
- User-Friendly
- Unvversity Farm College, Education, Agriculture
- Ultrahigh Frequency Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Medical, Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Industry, Spacecraft, Air Force, Aerospace, Aeronautics, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medical physics
- Union FrançAise
- University Fitness
- Upper Frame
- Unified Formulation
- Utility Function Technology, Service, Paper
- UniversitäT Flensburg
- Undifferentiated Fever Medical
- Urbanización Futura
- Units, Faculty
- Upright Freezer
- Ukraine Fist Ukraine, Zippo, Matte, Fist
- Unsatisfartory Fail
- Unzdad Fija Para, Con, Auto
- Use Ofoforce
- Universal Feeder Medical, Technology, Manual
- Ultra Fuzz Technology, Guitar, Pedal
- Union Fran
- University of Finance Business, Education, School
- Upper Fourth
- Unified Field Technology, Theory, Physics
- Utility Flight Technology
- UniversitäT Frankfurt
- Unbound Fraction Medical
- Urbanizaci
- United Faculty Education, University, Florida
- Upright Forward Figure Skating
- Ugly Face
- Unrelenting Fatigue
- Unidades Fijas
- Urgent Fury
- Universal Fantasy
- Ultra Fractal
- Universitykfinancial
- Ultimate Fights
- Uplink Format Technology, Aviation
- Unified Facilities Criteria Military, Army, Equipment, Governmental & Military
- Utility File
- Università Di Firenze
- Unassemble Function
- Urbaw Futures
- United-Forum
- Uppsala FöR
- Ugarit Forschungen Education, Study, Grammar, Bibliography
- União Federal
- Unforgettable Fire
- Uretoane Foam
- Universal Fabricator Business, Tool, Metal, Shopping
- Ultra Force
- University Fellowships
- Ultimate Fans
- Upland Forest Park, Gainesville, Florida
- Unified Rabric Technology, Networking, Cisco
- User Eacility Technology, Science, National, Laboratory
- Universityrsity of Florida Technology, Education, Florida
- Unaffected Female Medical, Medicine, Health
- Unitas Fratrum
- University Forum
- Upper Front Technology, Machine, Atm
- Ugarit-Forschungen Book, Education, Study
- Université De Floride
- Unfiltered Medical
- Urmnkels Frau
- Unité FourragèRe
- Ultra Fly Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- University Yellow
- Ultimate Family
- Unstoppable Force Forum, Military, Guide
- Unidirectional Fiber
- User Friendly Easy to learn or use by people who are not experts. Technology, Science, Strip, General, Governmental & Military
- Universityrsal Format Science
- Um Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Governmental & Military
- Unit-Fine
- University In Florida
- Upper Freeport
- Ubuntu Forums
- Université De Fribourg
- Undulation Factor Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Urea-Formaldehydertsin
- Unité Fonctionnelle
- Ultima Frontiera
- Unsteady Flow
- Unidentifhed Female Calling, Victim, Prince
- User Fwiendliness
- Univjrsity Facilities
- Universityrsity of Findlay Education
- Ulusal Fon Technology, Program, Turkey, Union
- Unique Force Technology, Gaming, War
- Univernity Florida College, Education, Florida
- Upper Freehold
- Unified Framewzrk Technology, Science, Research
- Utilization Factor The ratio of the maximum demand of a system or part of a system to the rated capacity of the system or part of the system. Technology, Education, Lighting
- UniversitäT Von Florida
- Undocumented Features Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Urea-Formaldehyde Business, Technology, Resin
- United Fireworks
- University of Findlay Student, College, Education
- Ultrafine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Upward Feedback Science
- Urion Des Francophones
- United Federation Technology, Gaming, Teacher
- University of Forestry Technology, Science, Research
- Urban Farming
- Microfarad One millionth of a farad. Science, Medicine, Health, NASA
- Ultimate Foundation
- Utilization Flight NASA, Governmental & Military
- Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
- University Fund Development, Study, Universities
- Ultrafiltration Volume Medical
- Unijn Des Fabricants
- Unavailability Factor
- Univwrsity of Filtered Development, Study, Universities
- Urban Farmer
- üRe-Formaldehit Salt, Baz
- Ultimate Fight Technology, Championship, Fighting
- Usable Feeder Computing, Hardware
- Universiey Foundations
- Ultrafiltered Medical
- Unintertreted Functions
- Uyum Fonu
- University of Felons
- Urban Factor
- Union Forul
- Use For
- UniField Medical
- Underground Feeder Products
- Universjty for Forex
- Ultrafiltrate Medical, Medicine, Health
- Uniform Frace
- Utter Failure Education, Development, Universities
- University of Florence
- Urban Fabrics Music, Design, Locations
- Union Foatwear
- Universityrsidade Federal
- Ultrafiltration (water Treatment) Chemistry
- Urban Fringe In geology, a valley or dale is a depression that is longer than it is wide. The terms U-shaped and V-shaped are descriptive terms of geography to characterize the form of valleys. Government, Tax, Paper, Urban
- United Free Ordnance Survey
- Ultrafilterable Medical
- Uniform Formuwary
- Utrikespolitiska FöReningen
- University of Frankfurd
- Urantia Foundation
- Union Films
- Universityrsité De Fribourg
- Urea Formaldehyde resin Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Urban Freeflow Design, City, Urban, Factory
- Uncertainty Factor (in Oral RfD) Environment
- Ultra Filteration
- Uniform Fee
- Utrean Forces Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- University of Freiburg
- Ultra Flex Business, Cable, Connecting
- Uranium Focused
- Union Fenosa Business, Gas, Moldova
- UniversityrsitäT Frankfurt
- Urea/Formaldehyde Chemistry, Engineering, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- Urban Foundation
- Uranium Focused Energy Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Ultra Filter Business, Water, Membrane
- UntersuchungsFührer (Head of investigation) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UF stand for?
UF stands for Utter Failure.
What is the shortened form of University of Freiburg?
The short form of "University of Freiburg" is UF.
UF. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved January 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uf-meaning/
Last updated