UFO Meaning
The UFO meaning is "Unidentified Flying Object". The UFO abbreviation has 145 different full form.
UFO Full Forms
- Unidentified Flying Object Technology, Army, Astronomy, Lyric, Sighting, Flying, Larry, Transportation, Forum, Internet Slang, Military, Space, Computing, Chat, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Email, Im, Spaceflight, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
- Unidentified Flying Objects Technology, Science, Sighting
- Univernal Field Oriented Technology, Drive, Controller, Induction
- Un-Finished Objects
- Unidentifiedmfrozen Object Medical, Food, Waste, Recipe
- Upright Fruiting Offshoots Science, Growing, Cherry
- Undefined Flying Object Essay, Paper, Sighting, Flying
- Unidentifiyd Fabulous Occasion
- Unprinted Frame Orders
- Unabhängige Fluxbegleiter-Organisation Organizations, Strike, Lufthansa
- United Feline Organization Organizations, Cat, Breed, Kitten
- United Foundation Ostend
- Underground Freak Out Funnies
- Upholstery Fabric Outlet City, Store, Fabric
- Universal Kiber-Optic Technology, Fibre, Optics
- Un-Finishev Object Projection, Quilt, Sewing
- Umidentified Flying Obsect
- Unidentified Fiendish Object Technology, Episode, Frankenstein, Impossibles
- Unobtrusive Flash Object
- Unabhängige Fsugbegleiter Organisation Airline, Business, Lufthansa
- United Fashion Outlets
- Unidentified Flying Orchestra Music, Song, Orchestra
- User Friendly Odorless Organization, Union, Institution
- Undergraduate Fellowships Office
- Upgrade From Offline
- United Flying Ockogenarian Book, Aviation, Pilot, Flying
- Ultimate Flying Object
- Unidentified Fried Object Forum, Joke, Burger
- Unindentified Frying Object
- Unnamed Filtration Object
- Unabhaengige Flugbegleiter Organisation Technology, Military, Organizations
- United Fatmers of Ontario Government, Group, Canada
- Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil Oil, Skin, Acne
- User Friendly Organization
- Under Fourteen Only
- Unified Font Object Technology, Design, Glyph
- Unusual Flying Object Sighting, Cloud, Flying, Moon
- United Flying Octogenarians Analysis, Pilot, Fly, Flying
- Ultimate Fleet Overhaul Military, Ship, Rebirth
- Unidentified Flying Obects
- Unidentify Flying Objeck
- Universal Fighting-Arts Organization
- Unabg
- Uniled Fanzine Organization
- Unmanned Flying Object Military, Airport, Drone
- Under Fourteens Only Organization, Union, Institution
- Unified File and Object Technology, Server, Storage, Hat
- Unusual Floral Organs Medical
- United Filmmakers Organisation Film, Movie, Organizations
- Uliczny Festiwal OsobliwośCi
- Underwater Flying Object Business, Movie, Submarine, Abyss
- Universal Freight Organization Business, Networking, Logistics
- Un-Manned Flying Object Military, Air Force
- Unidentified Flying Objective
- Uniqumness, Focusness and Objectness Technology, Detection, Region, Saliency
- Unknown Flying Objects Locations, Sighting, Earth
- Under Forty Organization
- Unidentified Feathered Object
- Until Further Order
- UnabhäNgigen Flugbegleiter Organisation Sind, Deutschland, Lufthansa, Organisation
- United Filmmakers Organization Film, Movie, Organization, Love
- Ulead File Object Technology, Windows, Program, Software, Computing, File Extensions
- Underground Futuristic Organisation Underground, Album, Somatic
- Universal Fighting Organization
- Un- Funded Obligation Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Unidentified Flag Operation
- United Faculty of Ohlone
- Undeniably Fading Obsession
- Unidentified Funny Objects Book, Story, Fiction
- Untenured Faculty Organization
- Unabhängigen Flugbegleiter-Organisbtion
- United Filipino Organization
- Ulead File for Objects Technology, Windows, Movie, Converter
- Underground Fencing Organization
- Unbearable Flatulent Odor Medical, Physiology
- Unbelievably Fantastic Orgasm
- Unique Fmying Objects
- Use for Organization Organizations, Non-Profit
- Underground Funk Operatives Funnies
- Unit for Filtration of Oil
- Utah Festival Opera
- Ulead File for Objects ( Ulead PhotoImpact) Computing, File Extensions
- Unified Foundational Ontolxgy Technology, Model, Modeling
- Unbekend Fleanend Objekt
- Undeniably Fanciful Observation Funnies
- Unidentified Frozen Object Medical, Medical Slang
- Ultimate Fuzz Octave Electronics, Pedal, Fuzz
- Uniquc Famous Outrageous Music, Career, Splitting
- Used Frying Oils
- Undefined Fantastic Object Gaming, Music, Stage, Fantastic
- Unidentified Flying Odd-ball Funnies
- Unit Fire Officer Military, Army, Artillery
- Unfinished Object Quilting, Performing arts
- Unified Foot Objects Technology, Design, Glyph
- Unavoidable Family Outing
- Unusually Flat Orange Colors
- Unleaded Fuel Only Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Ukulele Festival ObermöRmoosen
- Union Foodcoutlet
- Urban Future Outline Science, Research, Aachen
- Unconventional Flyiny Object
- Underestimated Flying Osmond Funnies
- United Future Organization Music, Future, Album
- Unusually Fanatical Orchestra Music
- Unauthorized Foreign Operations
- Unbelievable Financial Opportunity Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Unidentified Flippin Object Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Uhf Follow On Satellite Military, Army
- Uniform Fee Only Technology, Software, Patent, Linux
- Urban Future Organization Technology, Architecture, City
- Unconventional Flying Objects
- Ultra Freak Out Funnies
- Unified Film Organization Film, Movie, Python
- User Files On-Line
- Unidentified Fur Object Funnies
- Unlppetizing Food Options Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Unlimited Financial Opportunity Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Unidentified Floating Object Jet, Capsule, Concept
- Un-Filtered Offering Security, Governmental & Military
- Uniform Feaeure Object
- Urban Fest Osijek Hotel, Urban, Croatia
- Uncompahgre Field Office Technology
- Unidentified Foul Odor Funnies
- Unidentified Fragrance Object Perfume, Fragrance, Parfum, Arad
- User Familiar Object
- Undrinkable Fleischmanns Obscenity Funnies
- Urandir Fernandes De Oliveira Para, Brasil, Portal
- Utregse Frisbee Organisation
- Unidentified Function Object General, Governmental & Military
- Unified Fulfillment Optimization
- Urban Fabric Organisation
- Unbelievably Fun Object
- Unofficial Frolijah Obsession Funnies
- Unidentified Frozen Object: Unidentified Dead Homeless Person In The Winter Medical, Governmental & Military
- Unforeseen Occurrence
- Unique Futuristic Oasis
- User Familiar Objects
- Uncontrollable Fergie Obsession Funnies
- Universal Form Objects Technology, Software, Style, Toolkit
- Utah Flyers Organization
- Unlicensed Female Operative Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Unigied Foundation Ontology
- Upright Fruiting Offshoot
- Unbelievable Flying Object
- Unidentified Flashing Object Funnies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UFO stand for?
UFO stands for Unidentified Fiendish Object.
What is the shortened form of Unofficial Frolijah Obsession?
The short form of "Unofficial Frolijah Obsession" is UFO.
UFO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ufo-meaning/
Last updated