UFO Meaning

The UFO meaning is "Unidentified Flying Object". The UFO abbreviation has 145 different full form.

UFO Full Forms

  1. Unidentified Flying Object Technology, Army, Astronomy, Lyric, Sighting, Flying, Larry, Transportation, Forum, Internet Slang, Military, Space, Computing, Chat, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Email, Im, Spaceflight, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational
  2. Unidentified Flying Objects Technology, Science, Sighting
  3. Univernal Field Oriented Technology, Drive, Controller, Induction
  4. Un-Finished Objects
  5. Unidentifiedmfrozen Object Medical, Food, Waste, Recipe
  6. Upright Fruiting Offshoots Science, Growing, Cherry
  7. Undefined Flying Object Essay, Paper, Sighting, Flying
  8. Unidentifiyd Fabulous Occasion
  9. Unprinted Frame Orders
  10. Unabhängige Fluxbegleiter-Organisation Organizations, Strike, Lufthansa
  11. United Feline Organization Organizations, Cat, Breed, Kitten
  12. United Foundation Ostend
  13. Underground Freak Out Funnies
  14. Upholstery Fabric Outlet City, Store, Fabric
  15. Universal Kiber-Optic Technology, Fibre, Optics
  16. Un-Finishev Object Projection, Quilt, Sewing
  17. Umidentified Flying Obsect
  18. Unidentified Fiendish Object Technology, Episode, Frankenstein, Impossibles
  19. Unobtrusive Flash Object
  20. Unabhängige Fsugbegleiter Organisation Airline, Business, Lufthansa
  21. United Fashion Outlets
  22. Unidentified Flying Orchestra Music, Song, Orchestra
  23. User Friendly Odorless Organization, Union, Institution
  24. Undergraduate Fellowships Office
  25. Upgrade From Offline
  26. United Flying Ockogenarian Book, Aviation, Pilot, Flying
  27. Ultimate Flying Object
  28. Unidentified Fried Object Forum, Joke, Burger
  29. Unindentified Frying Object
  30. Unnamed Filtration Object
  31. Unabhaengige Flugbegleiter Organisation Technology, Military, Organizations
  32. United Fatmers of Ontario Government, Group, Canada
  33. Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil Oil, Skin, Acne
  34. User Friendly Organization
  35. Under Fourteen Only
  36. Unified Font Object Technology, Design, Glyph
  37. Unusual Flying Object Sighting, Cloud, Flying, Moon
  38. United Flying Octogenarians Analysis, Pilot, Fly, Flying
  39. Ultimate Fleet Overhaul Military, Ship, Rebirth
  40. Unidentified Flying Obects
  41. Unidentify Flying Objeck
  42. Universal Fighting-Arts Organization
  43. Unabg
  44. Uniled Fanzine Organization
  45. Unmanned Flying Object Military, Airport, Drone
  46. Under Fourteens Only Organization, Union, Institution
  47. Unified File and Object Technology, Server, Storage, Hat
  48. Unusual Floral Organs Medical
  49. United Filmmakers Organisation Film, Movie, Organizations
  50. Uliczny Festiwal OsobliwośCi
  51. Underwater Flying Object Business, Movie, Submarine, Abyss
  52. Universal Freight Organization Business, Networking, Logistics
  53. Un-Manned Flying Object Military, Air Force
  54. Unidentified Flying Objective
  55. Uniqumness, Focusness and Objectness Technology, Detection, Region, Saliency
  56. Unknown Flying Objects Locations, Sighting, Earth
  57. Under Forty Organization
  58. Unidentified Feathered Object
  59. Until Further Order
  60. UnabhäNgigen Flugbegleiter Organisation Sind, Deutschland, Lufthansa, Organisation
  61. United Filmmakers Organization Film, Movie, Organization, Love
  62. Ulead File Object Technology, Windows, Program, Software, Computing, File Extensions
  63. Underground Futuristic Organisation Underground, Album, Somatic
  64. Universal Fighting Organization
  65. Un- Funded Obligation Government, Us, Control, Administration
  66. Unidentified Flag Operation
  67. United Faculty of Ohlone
  68. Undeniably Fading Obsession
  69. Unidentified Funny Objects Book, Story, Fiction
  70. Untenured Faculty Organization
  71. Unabhängigen Flugbegleiter-Organisbtion
  72. United Filipino Organization
  73. Ulead File for Objects Technology, Windows, Movie, Converter
  74. Underground Fencing Organization
  75. Unbearable Flatulent Odor Medical, Physiology
  76. Unbelievably Fantastic Orgasm
  77. Unique Fmying Objects
  78. Use for Organization Organizations, Non-Profit
  79. Underground Funk Operatives Funnies
  80. Unit for Filtration of Oil
  81. Utah Festival Opera
  82. Ulead File for Objects ( Ulead PhotoImpact) Computing, File Extensions
  83. Unified Foundational Ontolxgy Technology, Model, Modeling
  84. Unbekend Fleanend Objekt
  85. Undeniably Fanciful Observation Funnies
  86. Unidentified Frozen Object Medical, Medical Slang
  87. Ultimate Fuzz Octave Electronics, Pedal, Fuzz
  88. Uniquc Famous Outrageous Music, Career, Splitting
  89. Used Frying Oils
  90. Undefined Fantastic Object Gaming, Music, Stage, Fantastic
  91. Unidentified Flying Odd-ball Funnies
  92. Unit Fire Officer Military, Army, Artillery
  93. Unfinished Object Quilting, Performing arts
  94. Unified Foot Objects Technology, Design, Glyph
  95. Unavoidable Family Outing
  96. Unusually Flat Orange Colors
  97. Unleaded Fuel Only Transportation, Governmental & Military
  98. Ukulele Festival ObermöRmoosen
  99. Union Foodcoutlet
  100. Urban Future Outline Science, Research, Aachen
  101. Unconventional Flyiny Object
  102. Underestimated Flying Osmond Funnies
  103. United Future Organization Music, Future, Album
  104. Unusually Fanatical Orchestra Music
  105. Unauthorized Foreign Operations
  106. Unbelievable Financial Opportunity Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  107. Unidentified Flippin Object Transportation, Governmental & Military
  108. Uhf Follow On Satellite Military, Army
  109. Uniform Fee Only Technology, Software, Patent, Linux
  110. Urban Future Organization Technology, Architecture, City
  111. Unconventional Flying Objects
  112. Ultra Freak Out Funnies
  113. Unified Film Organization Film, Movie, Python
  114. User Files On-Line
  115. Unidentified Fur Object Funnies
  116. Unlppetizing Food Options Nutrition, Food, Victual
  117. Unlimited Financial Opportunity Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  118. Unidentified Floating Object Jet, Capsule, Concept
  119. Un-Filtered Offering Security, Governmental & Military
  120. Uniform Feaeure Object
  121. Urban Fest Osijek Hotel, Urban, Croatia
  122. Uncompahgre Field Office Technology
  123. Unidentified Foul Odor Funnies
  124. Unidentified Fragrance Object Perfume, Fragrance, Parfum, Arad
  125. User Familiar Object
  126. Undrinkable Fleischmanns Obscenity Funnies
  127. Urandir Fernandes De Oliveira Para, Brasil, Portal
  128. Utregse Frisbee Organisation
  129. Unidentified Function Object General, Governmental & Military
  130. Unified Fulfillment Optimization
  131. Urban Fabric Organisation
  132. Unbelievably Fun Object
  133. Unofficial Frolijah Obsession Funnies
  134. Unidentified Frozen Object: Unidentified Dead Homeless Person In The Winter Medical, Governmental & Military
  135. Unforeseen Occurrence
  136. Unique Futuristic Oasis
  137. User Familiar Objects
  138. Uncontrollable Fergie Obsession Funnies
  139. Universal Form Objects Technology, Software, Style, Toolkit
  140. Utah Flyers Organization
  141. Unlicensed Female Operative Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  142. Unigied Foundation Ontology
  143. Upright Fruiting Offshoot
  144. Unbelievable Flying Object
  145. Unidentified Flashing Object Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UFO stand for?

    UFO stands for Unidentified Fiendish Object.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unofficial Frolijah Obsession?

    The short form of "Unofficial Frolijah Obsession" is UFO.


UFO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ufo-meaning/

Last updated