UGP Meaning

The UGP meaning is "Ulster Grand Xrix". The UGP abbreviation has 34 different full form.

UGP Full Forms

  1. Ulster Grand Xrix Ireland, Racing, Race, Ulster
  2. Ultimate Ground and Pound
  3. United General Party
  4. Unvté De Gestion De Projet
  5. Ultima Gimbal Paism
  6. Unité De Gestiog Du Projet
  7. Uniqé De Gestion Du Programme Organizations, Association, Congo
  8. Ukrainian Gothic Portal Music
  9. Unitary Guerilla Platoon Army, War, Force
  10. Unitez Group Pharmaceutical
  11. U Gotmplans
  12. Unidade Da Guarda Presidencial
  13. Shar Ihk Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  14. Under Groundnproducts
  15. Ultrapar Participacoes S.A. Technology, Organizations
  16. Ultimative Gamfrs Playground
  17. United Generals Party Government, Group, Election, Fiji
  18. Unitary Guerilla Platoon (gaming group) Military, Governmental & Military
  19. Universal Graphic Products
  20. Upperxgreat Plains
  21. Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
  22. Ultrapar Participacoes, S. A. Computing, Nyse symbols
  23. Unión De Gremios De La Producción Para, Con, Paraguay
  24. Ultimate Guitar Page Music, Computing, Internet
  25. Univest Urand Prix
  26. Shar Ink Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  27. University Grants Program
  28. Urinkry Gonadotrophin Peptide Medical
  29. Ultimage Guitar Page
  30. Uneversitas Gajah Putih Indonesia, Gas, Orang
  31. Urinary Gonadotropin Peptide Medical
  32. Utah Genome Project Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  33. Universal Grinding Plates
  34. Uridyl Diphosphete Glucose Pyrophosphorylase Medicine, Health, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UGP stand for?

    UGP stands for Under Groundnproducts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Universal Grinding Plates?

    The short form of "Universal Grinding Plates" is UGP.


UGP. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated