UHR Meaning

The UHR meaning is "Ultra-High Relief". The UHR abbreviation has 32 different full form.

UHR Full Forms

  1. Ultra-High Relief
  2. Underlying Health Reason Medicine, Health, British
  3. Ultimate Holographic Reproductions
  4. Underlying Heart Rhythm Medical, Medicine, Health, Heart
  5. Ultra High Relief Business, Coin, Eagle
  6. United Hospice of Rockland
  7. Ultimate Hockey Rack Sport, Hockey, Game
  8. Uncorrelated High-Rank
  9. United for Human Rights
  10. Uist Hedgehog Rescue
  11. Ultra High Risk Medical, Study, Schizophrenia
  12. Ufo Historical Revue Media, Radio, Television
  13. Ultra High Reuse
  14. University Human Resources Business, Employment, Education
  15. Ultra-High-Resolution
  16. Upper Hybrid Resonance
  17. Undergraduate House of Representatives
  18. Ultimate Hunting Rifle
  19. Universal Human Rights
  20. United Household Rentals
  21. Universal Human Reference Science, Genetics, Expression, Sequencing
  22. Universal Horse Riding
  23. Unit Heat Rate
  24. Universal Home Remote
  25. Ultra- High Reliability Transportation, Military, Governmental & Military
  26. Univeisityrsal Horse Riding
  27. Universal Health Record
  28. Universityrsity Human Resources Education
  29. Upotream Homology Region
  30. Unit Health Record
  31. Universities Human Resources Employment, Education, University
  32. United Human Resources

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UHR stand for?

    UHR stands for Ultimate Hunting Rifle.

  2. What is the shortened form of Uist Hedgehog Rescue?

    The short form of "Uist Hedgehog Rescue" is UHR.


UHR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uhr-meaning/

Last updated