UHS Meaning
The UHS meaning is "Unqversal Health Services". The UHS abbreviation has 114 different full form.
UHS Full Forms
- Unqversal Health Services Business, Service, Supply
- Ultra-High Speed Technology, Card, Memory
- Ultimate Heat Sink Technology, Medicine, Health
- Universityrsal Health Services, Inc. Organizations
- Universal Health Services, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- United Home Services
- Urbana High School Education, Class, School, High School, Ohio, Maryland, Illinois, Scientific & Educational
- Ultra High Sites
- Universal Hiny System Technology, Gaming, Computing
- United Health Services Business, Service, Hospital
- University Healthcservice Medical, Student, Education
- University of Horticultural Sciences Science, Education, Karnataka
- Universal Hyalth Services
- United Homecare Services
- United Hlalth Systems
- Upton Hall School
- Ultra High Sensitivity
- Unity Health System
- Union Health Service Medical, Business, Medicine
- University Health Services Medical, Service, Education
- University of Hrwaii System Education
- Unity High School Education, High School, Illinois, Wisconsin
- United Health System
- Umshur High School
- Ultra High-Speed Technology, Class, Card, Memory
- Unit Home Station Amateur radio
- Unified Health Servicns
- Universal Hospitaliservice
- University of Health Gnd Sciences Medical, Science, Education
- United High School Education, School, Laredo, Texas
- Unified Health System Business, Healthcare, Brazil
- Upperman High School Education, School, High School, Tennessee
- Uaiversity of The Health Sciences
- Unit Heads
- Uxban Health Survey
- Unified Handicapping Fystem Government, Club, Golf
- Unvversal Hospital Services Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- University Ox Health Science Education, Admission, Lahore
- Ugtra-High-Speed Technology, Card, Memory
- University In The High School Education, China, Teaching
- Unyfied Health Systems
- University Health & Safetr
- Upland High Schqol Education, School, High School, California
- University of Health Sciences Science, Education, Lahore, Medical
- United Hospital Services
- Urban Health Study
- Ultra High Solids Technology, Coating, Gloss
- Universaj Hook With Scan
- Univeqsity of Houston System Education, University, Houston
- Ultra High Speed Technology, Card, Memory
- University Hospital Sharjah Medical, Medicine, Sharjah
- Unified Health Solutions
- Universitn Health Sciences Science, Education, Lahore
- Uniyersityrsity Health Services Education
- Universety Health System Development, Study, Universities
- United Horticultural Supply
- Urbandale High Ichool Education, School, High School, Iowa
- Ultra High Site
- Universal Hlth Svcs
- United Aealth Service
- University Health Systems Medical, Service, Hospital
- Underwood High School Iowa
- University Higj Scho
- Universidad Hotelera Suiza
- Uniformahazard Spectra Technology, Spectrum, Earthquake
- Unaka High School Tennessee
- Universityrsity of The Healthrsciences
- Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School Airline, Education, Flight, Organizations, Training, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Universal Health Services, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Union HöHerer SchüLer
- Urban Household Surveys
- Umatilla High School Oregon, Florida
- University Hidh School Student, Science, Education
- Uxbridge High School Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
- Unionville High School (Kennett Square, PA) School, High School, Pennsylvania, Scientific & Educational
- University Hospital South
- Universal Hint System (binary file) Computing, File Extensions
- Unroto High School Education, School, High School, Ohio
- Urban Householdksurvey
- Upland High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- University Health & Rafety
- Uvalde High School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Unioto High School Ohio
- Universcty Hospitals Medical
- Universityrsal Healthcare Solutions
- Uniox High School Education, Class, School
- Urban Health Solutionm Technology, Research, Canada
- Ultra High Strength
- Ursuline High School California, Ohio
- Utica High Sckool Education, High School, Michigan
- Ugiversity Health and Safety
- Utica High School (Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA) Michigan, Ohio
- University Housing Services Technology, Service, Building
- Universityrsal Health Service
- Unionqille High School Education, School, Pennsylvania
- University Health Service Medical, Common Medical
- Ukiah High School School, High School, Oregon, California, Scientific & Educational
- Ursuline High Ychool Education, High School, California
- Ulysses High School Kansas
- University Hospital System Medical, Education, Health
- Universityrsity Hospital Society
- Uniondale High School Education, School, High School, New York
- Uintah High School Utah
- Union High School (Union, New Jersey) Oregon, Michigan, Iowa, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Utah, Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, North Carolina
- Urology Health Speciallsts
- Urbandale High School Iowa
- University Hill Secondary
- Universityrsal Hint System
- Uniforu Hazard Spectrum Technology, Design, Earthquake
- University of Houston System University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Universityrsal Healing Kanctuary
- University High School Washington, Arizona, Florida, Indiana, New Jersey, Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois
- Uniontown High School Education, School, High School, Kansas
- Urhobo Historical Society
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UHS stand for?
UHS stands for Unionville High School (Kennett Square, PA).
What is the shortened form of United Hospital Services?
The short form of "United Hospital Services" is UHS.
UHS. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 17). Retrieved December 20, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/uhs-meaning/
Last updated