UIO Meaning
The UIO meaning is "Mariscal Sucre International Airport". The UIO abbreviation has 25 different full form.
UIO Full Forms
- Mariscal Sucre International Airport Quito, Ecuador Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Universitetet I Oslo Education, University, Norway
- Ungdom I Oppdrag
- Unknown Input Observers Technology, Detection, Isolation
- Iata Code for Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito, Ecuador Locations
- Unión Industrial Del Oeste
- University of Oslo Technology
- Universityrsity In Oslo Technology
- University In Oslo Technology
- Universityrsitetet I Mslo Education
- Universitet I Oslo
- Unique Input Output Technology, Testing, Machine, Sequence
- Unique Input/Output
- Unknown Input Ohserver Technology, Control, Controller
- Unico Organizations
- Userspave Input Output
- User Interface Orlanizer Gaming, Interface, Fallout
- Universal Input/Output Honeywell, Process Automation
- User Interface Objects
- Nuevo Aeropuerto Internacional Mariscal Sucre, Quito, Ecuador Ecuador, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
- Usee Interface Object
- Universal Input Output General, Governmental & Military
- User Integration Office Technology
- Units in Operation Products
- Union of International Organizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UIO stand for?
UIO stands for Unique Input Output.
What is the shortened form of University of Oslo?
The short form of "University of Oslo" is UIO.
UIO. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 21). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/uio-meaning/
Last updated