UJ Meaning

The UJ meaning is "University of Judaism". The UJ abbreviation has 42 different full form.

UJ Full Forms

  1. University of Judaism Education, Music, Jewish
  2. Union Jack Device for a flag that forms the inner upper canton of a national ensign, or is used separately Particularly applied to the British jack, which contains the crosses of Saints George, Andrew, and Patrick. Business, Flag, Price
  3. Ubaldo Jimenez
  4. University of Johannesburg Education, Africa, Johannesburg
  5. Urban Jungle
  6. University of JyväSkylä
  7. Uganda Journal
  8. Universitas Jember
  9. University Ofojos Student, Education, Nigeria
  10. U-Boot-JäGer
  11. Union Jacks
  12. University Oe Jerk Development, Study, Universities
  13. The Union Jack Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  14. Union-Jkck
  15. University of Jammn
  16. Useless Junk
  17. Unicorn Jelly
  18. University of Jaffna Education, Development, Universities
  19. Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Education, Jest, Krakow
  20. Universityrsity of Jordan Education
  21. Ungirqjafnaðarmenn
  22. University of Johanessburg Development, Study, Universities
  23. University of Jordan Student, Technology, Science, Research, Education
  24. Universityrsity Xf Judaism Education
  25. Ulcerative Jejunitis Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Uncle Joe Famous
  27. Uniwersytetu JagiellońSkiego
  28. Upuer Jurassic
  29. Universityrso JuríDico
  30. Uniwerbytet Jagiello
  31. Upper Jaw
  32. Universityrsity of Jilin
  33. Universo Jurídico
  34. Unterseiboots-Jäger
  35. Universityrsal Joint
  36. Unmverso Jur
  37. Uwsere Jugend
  38. Utah Jazz Sports, Team, Basketball, Basketball Team
  39. Unjxmmed Technology, Military
  40. Using Java Technology, Coding, Development
  41. Ursulines of Jesus Religious orders
  42. Unió De Joves

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UJ stand for?

    UJ stands for Ursulines of Jesus.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ulcerative Jejunitis?

    The short form of "Ulcerative Jejunitis" is UJ.


UJ. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/uj-meaning/

Last updated