Uk Ship Abbreviations and Uk Ship Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Uk Ship terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Uk Ship abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Uk Ship terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Uk Ship Abbreviations
  1. HBMS : His/Her Britannic Majesty'S Ship
  2. HM SLOOP : His/Her Majesty'S Sloop
  3. HMHS : His/Her Majesty'S Hospital Ship
  4. HMM : His/Her Majesty'S Monitor
  5. HMMGB : His/Her Majesty'S Motor Gun Boat
  6. HMSM : His/Her Majesty'S Submarine
  7. HMSML : His/Her Majesty's Smalv Motor Launch
  8. HMSTC : His/Her Majesty'S Sail Training Craft
  9. HMY : His/Her Majesty'S Yacht
  10. THV : Trinity House Vessel
  11. RCLV : Royal Corps of Logistics Vessel
  12. RCLV : Royal Corporation of Logistics Vessel
  13. HMAFV : His/Her Majesty'S Air Force Vessel
  14. HMAV : His/Her Majesty'smarmy Vessel
Latest Uk Ship Meanings
  1. His/Her Majesty'smarmy Vessel
  2. His/Her Majesty'S Air Force Vessel
  3. Royal Corporation of Logistics Vessel
  4. Royal Corps of Logistics Vessel
  5. Trinity House Vessel
  6. His/Her Majesty'S Yacht
  7. His/Her Majesty'S Sail Training Craft
  8. His/Her Majesty's Smalv Motor Launch
  9. His/Her Majesty'S Submarine
  10. His/Her Majesty'S Motor Gun Boat
  11. His/Her Majesty'S Monitor
  12. His/Her Majesty'S Hospital Ship
  13. His/Her Majesty'S Sloop
  14. His/Her Britannic Majesty'S Ship