UKC Meaning

The UKC meaning is "Under-Keel Clearance". The UKC abbreviation has 24 different full form.

UKC Full Forms

  1. Under-Keel Clearance Business, Ship, Port
  2. Ulusal Kurtuluş Cephesi Turkish, Sandinista
  3. University of Kings College
  4. Ultimate Kettlebell Camw
  5. Universitl of King's College
  6. Ultimate Kartingbchampionships
  7. University of Kent, Canmerbury Education, Library, Campus
  8. Uk Coalition Lf People Living With Hiv and Aids Organization, Union, Institution
  9. University of Kent Canterbury Development, Study, Universities
  10. Ugyon Kita Capiz
  11. United Kxnnel Club Dog Breed, Dog Breed Organization, Dog Breeding
  12. University of Kent At Canterbury Student, College, Education
  13. Unijny Kodeks Celny
  14. Under Keel Clearance Technology, Australia, Ship, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  15. Universityrsity of Kansas City
  16. United Kingdom Coinage Coins
  17. User Kernel Configuration
  18. United Kennel Club Dog Fanciers
  19. User Kernel Config Technology, Custom, Boot
  20. UK Coal, PLC. Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  21. Universityrsity of Kent At Danterbury Technology
  22. Uk Coal Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  23. University of Kansas City
  24. Uviversityrsity Kayak Club

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UKC stand for?

    UKC stands for Uk Coalition Lf People Living With Hiv and Aids.

  2. What is the shortened form of University of Kansas City?

    The short form of "University of Kansas City" is UKC.


UKC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated