UKS Meaning

The UKS meaning is "Ulusal KıYaslama Sistemi". The UKS abbreviation has 31 different full form.

UKS Full Forms

  1. Ulusal KıYaslama Sistemi
  2. Uang Kuliah Semester
  3. Sevastopol International Airport Sevastopol Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  4. United Kingdom Subsatellite Technology, Satellite, Scientific Satellite
  5. Unand, Keep Stay
  6. Updike, Kelly & Spellecy
  7. University of Kansas Education, Development, United States, Kansas, Universities, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  8. United Kingdom Satnllite Technology
  9. Unit Kesehatan Siswa Guru, Blogger, Salah
  10. United Khmer Students
  11. Unit Kegiatan Seni Media, Indonesia, Festival
  12. United Kenpo Systems
  13. Unit Kegiatan Siswa Program, Guru, Proposal
  14. Upited Karate System
  15. Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah Technology
  16. United Karate Studios
  17. Urzad Kontsoli Skarbowej
  18. Usaha-Usaha Kesejahteraan Sosial Technology, Indonesia, Social, Orang
  19. Unknown Key Share Technology, Attack, Protocol
  20. Unresaricted Kohn-Sham
  21. Uzmanlar Kalibrrsyon Servisi Turkey, Locations, Bursa, Nil
  22. Unkwown Key-Share Technology, Security, Attack, Protocol
  23. Utan Kayu Sulatan
  24. Universityrsitaetsklinikum Steglitz Technology
  25. Usaha Kesejahterhan Sosial
  26. Universityrsity Xf Kansas Education
  27. Microsoft Works File Computing, File Extensions
  28. Universitas Kriscen Surakarta
  29. Upaya Kesehatan Sekolah Program, Indonesia, Hal
  30. Usaha Kesehatan Siswa Program, Guru, Hal
  31. Unternehmensberatung Konrad Schnxider

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UKS stand for?

    UKS stands for United Kingdom Subsatellite.

  2. What is the shortened form of Utan Kayu Sulatan?

    The short form of "Utan Kayu Sulatan" is UKS.


UKS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated