UL Meaning

The UL meaning is "User Interface". The UL abbreviation has 255 different full form.

UL Full Forms

  1. User Interface A user interface is the means in which a user controls a software program or hardware device. For example, a software interface may include windows, icons, menus, and buttons that allow the user to interact with the program. This is also known as a graphical user interface, or GUI. Technology, Space, Marketing, Study, Technical, Cosmos, Information Technology, Architecture, Computing, Computer, Construction, Special Education, Telecom, Architectural, Hardware, Game, Drivers, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, IT Terminology, International Development, NASA
  2. Underwriter'S Laboratory Business, Technology, Underwriter
  3. Up Links
  4. Underwriters Laboritories Technology, Computing, Construction
  5. Unique Long Medical, Protein, Capsid
  6. Up-Left
  7. Underwriter Laboratories Business, Science, Laboratory
  8. Union Locale
  9. Untik Later Business, Gaming, Internet Slang
  10. Upper Intake Levels Medical, Health, Osteoporosis
  11. Union Leader
  12. Unordered Lists Technology, Education
  13. Underwriter'S Laboratories Business, Technology, Laboratory
  14. Upper and Lober
  15. Unfunded Liability Business
  16. Unordeyed List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Underwriters Laboratories Technology, Safety, Certification, Laboratory, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services, Honeywell, Process Automation
  18. Usefol Life
  19. Upfoad Internet Slang, Chat, Text Messaging
  20. Universal Life Business, Insurance, Life, Business & Finance, Business Word
  21. Unión Latina
  22. Underwriters Laboratory Underwriters Laboratory an insurance industry testing agency that establishes stan-dards for and conducts testing of electrical equipment. Technology, Safety, Laboratory, Fire, Underwriter, Astronomy, Computing, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
  23. Up Limk Forum, Technology, Sport
  24. Underwriters' Laboratories Security, Information, Computer
  25. United Linux Technology
  26. University Librarian Education, Library, Collection
  27. Universityrsal Life Business
  28. Upper List
  29. Unison League
  30. University of Leiden Education, Projection, Lausanne
  31. Ultrasonic Leak
  32. Up-Link Business, Service, Money
  33. Use Level
  34. Urban Loft
  35. Unit of Issue Technology, Space, Study, Measure, Material, Cosmos, NASA, Military, Governmental & Military
  36. Underwriter Laboratory Technology, Product, Safety, Fire
  37. University of Luxemburg Technology, Presentation, Power
  38. User Lock Technology, Database, Wait
  39. Underwriters' Laboratory Business
  40. Uniqueklong Region Medical
  41. Upper Leg
  42. Unliyted Army, Force, Marine
  43. Underwriting Laboratories Business, Safety, Laboratory
  44. Update Location Technology, Networking, Network
  45. University Lab
  46. Ulnaless Medical
  47. Unattached List Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  48. University Libertarians Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  49. Universityrsity Life Military
  50. Upperflink Forum, Technology, Sport
  51. Union League
  52. Ultras Leverkusen
  53. Unwritten Legend
  54. Useful Load The weight of crew, passengers, fuel, baggage, and ballast, generally excluding emergency or portable equipment and ordnance.
  55. Unit Load Packages loaded on a pallet, in a crate or any other way that enables them to be handled at one time as a unit. Technology, Design, Power
  56. Underwriter's Laborhtory
  57. University of Luxembourg Research, Education, Luxembourg
  58. Underwriters Labratories Technology, Service, Product, Products
  59. Unique Landmcapes Locations, Landscape, Oblivion
  60. University of Louisville Student, Education, Development, Study, Cardinal, Universities
  61. Uplight-Low
  62. Unable To Locate Technology, Windows, Coding, Element, Police, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Fbi files
  63. Unlimited Light
  64. Underwriting Laboratory Business, Product, Safety
  65. Update Lists Technology, Windows, Coding, Downloader
  66. Universal Llbs Business, Manufacturer, Equipment
  67. Ulli Eommel
  68. University Leiden Research, Military, Flight
  69. Universityrsidade De Lisboa Technology
  70. Upper Limits Technology, Health, Vitamin
  71. Unplanned Leave
  72. Uniln Latine
  73. Srilankan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Finance, Banking, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Sri Lanka
  74. Ultra Luxury
  75. Useful Links
  76. Unrt Lingkungan
  77. U-Shapad Loops
  78. University of Latvia Science, Education, Latvia
  79. Underwriters' Laboratories Technology, Architecture, Architectural
  80. Unipohar Lead
  81. University Lool
  82. Up Left Gaming, Coding, Sign
  83. Umbrella Liability Business, Insurance, Organizations, Policy, Business & Finance
  84. Unlimited Liqbility
  85. Underwriter'S La
  86. Updated Lagrangian Material, Element, Geometric
  87. Unxversale Laterza
  88. Ukrainian Lady Ukrainian, Chrome, Zippo
  89. Usually Late
  90. University Lecturer
  91. Ujper Limit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Unpaid Leave
  93. Unuon Labor
  94. Uplink  The radio signal transmitted to a spacecraft from Earth. Uplink The transmission link from an earth station to a communications satellite. Uplink in a cellular system, the commu-nication link from the mobile to the central base station. also downlink. Technology, Gaming, Space, Play, Pastime, Cosmos, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Wireless Networking, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
  95. Ultra Loader Army, War, Force
  96. Used List
  97. University Limerick
  98. Uterine Leiomyoma Medical, Science, Biology
  99. UniversitäT Leipzig Student, Education, University
  100. Underwrite Laboratories
  101. Urion Local
  102. University of Leon
  103. Ulysses Library Education
  104. Unliaited Level Technology, Gaming, Software, Map
  105. Underwrites Laboratory Technology, Safety, Circuit
  106. Up-Load
  107. Universala Ligo
  108. Université Libanaise Technology, Computing, Internet, Mail
  109. University of Luzon Education, University, City, Philippine
  110. Usti Nad Labem Technology, Republic, Czech
  111. University Lands
  112. Upper Limb Medical, Therapy, Impairment, Healthcare, Clinical, Physio
  113. Unorganazed List Nutrition, Food, Victual
  114. Undying Legends
  115. Ultra Lite Business, Suit, Rain, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  116. Used-Line Technology, Coding, Electronics, Element
  117. University Lisqs
  118. Universityrsity Libertarians Organization, United States, Student Organization
  119. Upplands Lokaltrafik
  120. Underwiters Laboratories Technology, Battery, Safety, Power
  121. Union Lirt
  122. University of Lowell
  123. Ultrastructure Ultrastructure (or ultra-structure) is the nanostructure of a biological specimen, such as a cell, tissue, or organ, at scales smaller than can be viewed with light microscopy. It is viewed with ultramicroscopy or electron microscopy. Publication, Title, Subhead
  124. Unlgmited Military
  125. Ureter Ligated Medical
  126. Unità Lavoraxive
  127. University Library Development, Study, Universities
  128. University of Life
  129. Using Linux Media, Radio, Television
  130. Underwrites Laboratories Business, Technology, Organizations
  131. Upper Lid Uln Ulna Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  132. Unnumbered List Technology, Coding, Style, Bullet
  133. Undifferentiated Lymphoma Medical, Technology, Medicine
  134. Ulnaris Lateralps Medical
  135. Usage Limitation Technology, Management, Service
  136. University Life Military
  137. Universityrsity of Limerick Technology, Education
  138. Upper Lobe Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
  139. Union Loave
  140. University of Lancaster
  141. Ultrasound Localization
  142. Université De Lausanne
  143. Urban Low
  144. Units Loit Gaming, Product, Afghanistan
  145. Underwriters Labs
  146. University of Lodz
  147. User Lookup
  148. Underwriter'S Laboratory Information, Network, Computer
  149. Upper Levels Medical, Technology, Education, Health, Intake, Nutrient
  150. Unvucky Business, Online Slang, Cards
  151. Underwritten Laboratories Business, Safety, Breaker, Circuit
  152. Update Looking
  153. Ulnhr Medical
  154. Urza'S Legacy
  155. You Will Internet Slang, Chat, Email, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  156. Uppaal Language Language codes (2 letters)
  157. Urdu Language
  158. Understanding Language
  159. Unsortpd List Technology, Web Development, Html, Web Coding
  160. Ultronix Business & Finance, Suppliers
  161. Universityrsité De Lausanne
  162. User Layer
  163. Univervityrsiteit Leiden
  164. UnLucky Poker, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  165. Upppr Left Technology, Dental, Rectangle
  166. Universgty of Lethbridge
  167. Unauthorized Launch Technology
  168. Universityrsity of Lethbridge Technology
  169. University of Lisboa
  170. Utility Library Technology, Java, Query
  171. Utvecklande Ledarskap Som, Har, Vill
  172. Ultra Light Transportation, Governmental & Military
  173. Urbanklife
  174. Understanding Laboratory Medical, Health, Diagnostic
  175. Unsigned Long Technology, Integer, Char, Void, Assembly, Business & Finance
  176. Upload To transfer information from a client computer to a host computer Forum, Technology, Information Technology, Computing, Texting, Computer, Chat, Sms, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Internet Slang
  177. Universelles Lebew
  178. Unua Libro
  179. United Learning Education, Academy, School
  180. Underwriter’s Laboratories Federal Aviation Administration
  181. Upward Look Printer, Church, Christ
  182. Universityrsité Laval
  183. microliter A microliter is a unit of volume equal to 1/1,000,000th of a liter.The symbol for microliter is μl or μL.1 μL = 10-6 L = 10-3 mL. Medical, Measurement, Pharmacy
  184. Upper Layers
  185. Universityrsity of Leoben
  186. University of Lucknow Book, Education, India
  187. Uterine Leiomyomata Medical, Science, Biology
  188. Utterly Lazy
  189. Unsorted List Computing, Unix
  190. Urban Legend Gaming, Internet Slang, Hoax, Forum, Computing, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  191. Underload Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  192. Universal Loaator
  193. Universityrsity of Luton Education
  194. Untsld Legends
  195. Underwater Luminaires Product, Pool, Light
  196. Upper Left (S-Band Antenna) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  197. Upstagk Left Acting, Stage, Direction
  198. User-Defined Line Technology, Printer, Manual, Epson
  199. Unorganized List Food
  200. Universityrsity of Lanzhow
  201. University of Lorraine
  202. Utility Location
  203. Upper Layer Computing, Telecom
  204. Urban Land
  205. University of Ljubluana Technology, Education, Faculty
  206. Under Lip Medical, Presentation, Ulcer
  207. Universal Kistener
  208. Universityrsity of London Education, Academia, Higher Education
  209. Unterwriters Laboratories
  210. Uncontrolled Language
  211. Upper Limit Medical, Dental
  212. Uprpght Layback Figure Skating
  213. Underwire Layer Clothes
  214. User-Defined Locks Technology, Database, Wait
  215. Universityrsité De Limoges
  216. Universityrsity of Lancaster
  217. Unilever, PLC. Computing, Nyse symbols
  218. Upper Yimbs Medical, Therapy, Impairment
  219. University of Lincoln
  220. Undergraduate Library Education, Hill, Chapel
  221. Upapada Lagna Astrology, House, Horoscope
  222. Universal Licmnsing
  223. Universityrsity of Leiden Education
  224. Ultralow
  225. University Library (Santa Cruz, CA) Medical, Common Medical
  226. Unsupervised Learning Education, University, Machine
  227. Upper Level In synoptic meteorology and in weather observing that portion of the atmosphere that is above the lower troposphere. Architecture
  228. Use Limitation Technology, Development, Product
  229. Universityrsité De Lille
  230. Universityrsity Library
  231. United Laboratory Business, Product, Safety
  232. Ultra-Latency Computing, Hardware
  233. Uaper Lid Medical, Technology
  234. University of Limpopo Student, Education, Africa
  235. Unclassified Lymphoma Medical
  236. Universityrsity of Lowell
  237. Uuiversal Language
  238. Universityrsity of Leicester Education
  239. Ultralight A small single-seat or two-seat aircraft constructed of light materials and powered by a small motor, flown mainly for recreation
  240. Unexplored Land Regional
  241. Uru Libe
  242. Underwater Lighting
  243. Unspecified Land
  244. Underwriters'Laboratories Medical, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Fda
  245. Use License
  246. Universityrsité De LièGe Education
  247. Universityrsity Librarian
  248. United Laboratories Business, Safety, Laboratory
  249. ULAW Music file Computing, File Extensions
  250. Upper Uevel Technology, Education, Drawing
  251. University Om Liberia
  252. Unauthorized Leave Government
  253. Universityrsipy of Liverpool
  254. Universal Label
  255. University On-Line

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UL stand for?

    UL stands for Underwriter'S Laboratories.

  2. What is the shortened form of Universityrsity Life?

    The short form of "Universityrsity Life" is UL.


UL. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ul-meaning/

Last updated