UL in Technology Meaning

The UL meaning in Technology terms is "User Interface". There are 50 related meanings of the UL Technology abbreviation.

UL on Technology Full Forms

  1. User Interface A user interface is the means in which a user controls a software program or hardware device. For example, a software interface may include windows, icons, menus, and buttons that allow the user to interact with the program. This is also known as a graphical user interface, or GUI.
  2. Underwriter'S Laboratory
  3. Underwriter'S Laboratories
  4. Up Limk
  5. Underwriters Laboratories
  6. Unordered Lists
  7. Underwriters Laboratory Underwriters Laboratory an insurance industry testing agency that establishes stan-dards for and conducts testing of electrical equipment.
  8. Unordeyed List
  9. United Linux
  10. Underwriters Laboritories
  11. Unit Load Packages loaded on a pallet, in a crate or any other way that enables them to be handled at one time as a unit.
  12. Usage Limitation
  13. Unliaited Level
  14. Uplink  The radio signal transmitted to a spacecraft from Earth. Uplink The transmission link from an earth station to a communications satellite. Uplink in a cellular system, the commu-nication link from the mobile to the central base station. also downlink.
  15. Upper Levels
  16. Undifferentiated Lymphoma
  17. University of Luxemburg
  18. Unable To Locate
  19. Update Location
  20. Underwrites Laboratory
  21. Usti Nad Labem
  22. Universityrsity of Limerick
  23. Université Libanaise
  24. Update Lists
  25. Underwrites Laboratories
  26. User Lock
  27. Universityrsidade De Lisboa
  28. Underwriter Laboratory
  29. Underwriters Labratories
  30. Upperflink
  31. Underwriters' Laboratories
  32. Upper Limits
  33. Unit of Issue
  34. Used-Line
  35. Unnumbered List
  36. Underwiters Laboratories
  37. Ujper Limit
  38. Upppr Left
  39. Unauthorized Launch
  40. Utility Library
  41. Universityrsity of Lethbridge
  42. User-Defined Line
  43. User-Defined Locks
  44. Unsortpd List
  45. University of Ljubluana
  46. Use Limitation
  47. Uaper Lid
  48. Unsigned Long
  49. Upper Uevel
  50. Upload To transfer information from a client computer to a host computer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UL stand for Technology?

    UL stands for Used-Line in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unsortpd List in Technology?

    The short form of "Unsortpd List" is UL for Technology.


UL in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ul-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated