ULCS Meaning

The ULCS meaning is "Ultra Light Control Systems". The ULCS abbreviation has 15 different full form.

ULCS Full Forms

  1. Ultra Light Control Systems
  2. Ultra Large Container Ships The size of container vessels has been dramatically increasing in recent years, exploiting the advantages resulting from the economy of scale. The MAERSK ELBA with beam 48.2m (17 rows in hold and 19 rows on deck) has capacity of 13,100TEU and weights over 43,000t. The CMA CGM MARCO POLO has beam 53.6m and capacity of 16,000TEU. Business, Shipping, Vessel
  3. Ultra Large Container Ship Business, Shipping, Vessel
  4. Ultra-Large Container Ship
  5. Ultra-Large Container Ships Business, Shipping, Port
  6. Unit-Level Circuit Switch Military, Army, Defence
  7. Unlimited Liability Corporations
  8. Ultra Low Cost Services
  9. Upper Layer Communications Service
  10. University of London Careers Service
  11. Unit Labour Costs
  12. Unit-Level Command Simulation Military
  13. Unit Level Circuit Switch Technology, Military, Corps
  14. Utility Lines Construction Services Business, Service, Player
  15. Upton Lake Christian School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ULCS stand for?

    ULCS stands for Ultra Large Container Ship.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unlimited Liability Corporations?

    The short form of "Unlimited Liability Corporations" is ULCS.


ULCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, April 5). Retrieved December 5, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ulcs-meaning/

Last updated