UM Meaning
The UM meaning is "Micromttre". The UM abbreviation has 288 different full form.
UM Full Forms
- Micromttre Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Micrometer An instrument used for measuring diameter usually in thousandths of an inch. One millionth of a meter, used to measure wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. Also known as a "micron" or µm. Military, Electronic, Radar, Warfare, Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units, Measurement, Environment, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Uninsured Motorists Business, Insurance, Accident
- UğUr Mumcu Turkish, Technology, Turkey, Nun
- Unaccompanied Minors Service, Organizations, Locations, Children, Medical
- University of Malaysia Education, Malaysia, Malaya
- Ugly Mug
- Ursa Major The Great Bear' Most brilliant of the northern constellations Contains seven bright stars: Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid; the first two point to Polaris This constellation is also called the 'Plough', 'Dipper', 'Charles Wain', and 'Waggon and Horses' It has been called the 'Corn Measurer' by the Chinese, and considered as a hippopotamus by the Egyptians Technology, Space, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Uninsured Motorist Business, Insurance, Uninsured, Transportation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- User Manuals Technology
- University of Mflaya Research, Education, Malaysia
- Udited Methodist
- Urban Ministries Education, Church, Ministry
- Univehsity of Mary Education
- Unified Message Technology, Server, Messaging
- User Manual Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Universuty of Maryland Science, Education, Maryland
- United States Minor Outlying Islands Technology, Locations, Country Code, Governmental & Military
- Urban Ministry
- University of Montevallo Education
- Unified Messaging Technology, Server, Telecom, Computing, IT Terminology
- User'S Manuals Technology
- University Zf Minnesota Education, University, Minnesota
- Micrometew Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Urban Management Technology, University, City
- University of Macau Education, China, Macau
- Ultimate Magic Gaming, Magic, Pathfinder, Spell
- Use and Management Technology, Organizations
- University of Mississippi Education, Mississippi, Miss, Insect and Spider Collections, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- University of Munich
- Ukrainian Mediterranean Airline, Technology, Flight
- Usaha Menengah
- Unintentional Modulation Technology, Telecom
- University Ofymissouri Student, Education, Missouri
- Ujian Masuk Program, Indonesia, Tes
- Usage Management Technology, Battery, Software
- Unacompanied Minor
- University of Mannheim
- Unitary Matria
- Upper Middle Technology, Class, Innovation, Rhine
- Universal Messenger
- Utara Magnet Presentation, Indonesia, Hal, Magnet
- Universiti of Malaya Education, University, Malaysia
- Under Moonshine
- Unió Mallorquina
- Unity Movement
- Urban Myih
- University of Miami Education, University, Miami, United States, Scientific & Educational
- United Misroelectronics
- Unsolved Zysteries Media, Radio, Television
- Ukraine Mediterranean
- University Medical
- Uuified Management
- Universal Measurement Technology, Interface, Cary
- Universidad De Morón Para, Education, Argentina, Con
- Unable To Maintain
- University of Mainz
- Unique Model Technology, City, Vice
- Upper Mesopotamian
- Universal Message Religion
- Utah Medical Business, Medicine, Marijuana
- University Malaya Medical, Medicine, Education
- Utility Meter Technology, Battery, Energy
- Under Medication Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- União Para A MudançA Government, Bissau, Guinea
- Unit Movement
- Urban Mutationj
- UrzĄD Miasta
- University of Montana Student, Education, Development, Study, Montana, Universities
- United Cethodist Organizations, Church, Ministry
- Uhsolicited Message Technology, Accounting, Service
- Ujian Mandiri Business, Program, Indonesia, Cheat
- University Management
- Unexplained-Mysteries
- Unlicensed Mobile
- Universal Mccann
- Update Magazine
- University Ofzmaine College, Education, Maine
- Umtali Museum
- University of Magdeburg
- Uniqxe Melody Custom, Ear, Miracle, Melody
- Upper Merion
- Universal Messaging
- Utah Man
- Universiti Malaya Education, University, Malaysia
- Utility Message Technology, Windows, Transfer
- Undergraduate Math Student, Education, Mathematics
- Unix Migrstion
- Universidad De Mendoza Education, University, Argentina
- Urban Music
- Urząd Marszałkowskq
- Unattended Minor
- University of Manitoba Student, Technology, Education, Development, Canada, Study, Universities
- United Militafy
- Unsharpjmasking Technology, Processing, Mask
- Unmounted Mint
- University Magazine
- Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Medical
- Unknown Male
- Unitrans Motors Business, Africa, Car, Dealer
- Universuty of Mobile Education
- Unwed Mother
- Universitygof Memphis Student, Education, Tiger
- Umphreys Mcgee
- University of Michigan Student, Education, Development, Michigan, Universities, Atmospheric Research, University, Scientific & Educational
- Unifiwd Models Science
- Upper Marlboro
- Universal Medicine
- User Modelling Technology, Science, Education
- Universities of Maryland
- Utilities Management
- Undergraduate Minor
- Uniwersytet Medycziy Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Universidad De Murcia Technology, Spain, Traffic
- Urzd Miasta
- Unaffected Male Medical, Medicine, Health
- Universityrsity of Manitoba Technology, Education
- Air Zimbabwe Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Zimbabwe, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Unitate Militara
- Unruly Misfits
- Ungversity of Manila
- University Malaysia Education, Malaysia, Campus
- Underwater Mines
- Unión MonáRquica
- Units of Measure Business, Product, Conversion
- Upper Mississippi
- University of Mindanao Education, Philippine, Davao
- University of Minnesota Technology, Research, Development, Study, Minnesota, Universities, University, United States, Scientific & Educational, Chemistry
- Untimely Meditations Book, Art, Philosophy
- University of Manchester Research, Education, Study
- Umphrey'S Mcgee
- University of Melbourne Student, Education, Melbourne
- Unified Model Technology, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Upper Mantle Volcanic cone are among the simplest volcanic formations. They are built by ejecta from a volcanic vent, piling up around the vent in the shape of a cone with a central crater.
- Universal Mediterranea
- User Mode Technology, Linux, Boot, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Underflow Mask
- Universo Masculino
- Universidad De Monttrrey
- Universidad De Montevideo Education, University, Uruguay
- Ursae Minoris
- Unacknowledge Mode Technology, Radio, Communication, Patent
- Universityrsity of Montana Technology, Education
- Unitas Malacologica
- Upper Midwestern
- University Maastricht Research, Education, Netherland
- Underwater Mechanic
- Uxión De Muchachas
- Unit of Measurement Business, Measure, Conversion
- Urgent Memoranium
- Universidaee Do Minho
- University of Madras College, Education, India
- Unsurdassed Masters
- Ultra-Metabolizer
- Unified Method Technology, Language, Modeling
- Upper Manhattan
- Universal Media
- User Mobility
- Unit Module
- Universityrsity of Miami Education, University, Miami, United States
- Universidad De Madrid
- Universidad De MáLaga
- Unacknowledged Mode Technology, Radio, Protocol, Computing, Wireless Networking
- University of Marburg
- Unptary Matrices Matrice, Matrix, Representation
- Upper Midlands
- Universal Metropolis
- Ursae Majsris
- University Marketing
- Undersea Medicine Medical, Sport, Football, Dating
- Ukión Mallorquina
- Unit of Measure Technology, Military, Chat, Converter, Email, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, NASA
- Urethral Mebtus
- ÚLtima Menstruação
- Univorsity of Malta Education, Malta, Rank
- Unitedbmicronations
- Unsur Mahasisba Media, Indonesia, Orang
- Ukraine Mediterrannee
- Unified Memory Technology, Gaming, Memory, Processor
- Upper Management Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Universal Mechanism Technology, Dynamics, Simulation
- User Mobile Technology, Device, Networking
- Unit Modification
- Unreliable Multicakt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Universidad De Mor
- Universityrsité De MontréAl
- University of Murcia Technology, Education, Spain
- Utility Model
- United Methodist Religion
- Usage Measurement
- Unauthorized Monitoring
- Universityrsity of Montreal Technology
- Up Main Technology, Porn, Map, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Universal Module Technology, Product, Automation
- Uvomorulin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Unlimitev Mileage Business, Car, Rental, Rent
- Unvoiced Mutation Medical, Human genome
- Uracil Mustard Medical, Medicine, Health
- Universityrsal Motor
- Uncoated Mechanical
- University of Macao
- University of Malanz Technology, Education, Indonesia
- Unaccompanied Minor Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Computing, Protection Information
- Uniti Mixte Science, France, Recherche
- Update Mynager Technology, Management, Sphere
- Universityrsité De Montpellier Education, Bibliographic Code
- University of Mashhad
- Unmade Ordnance Survey
- Unattended Munitions Army, Force, Marine
- Universityrsity of Moncton
- Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
- Unscheduled Maintenance Military, Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance, NASA
- Universal Mobile
- Uveal Melanoma Medical, Science, Cell
- Unsolicited Message Police, Governmental & Military
- Upper Moreland
- Universityrsal Mill
- Uncle Meat
- University of Mxratuwa
- University of Maoawi
- User Model Chemistry, Assembly, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- United Mltors Business, Auto, Motorcycle, Renegade
- UniversityrsitäT MüNchen
- University of Miyazaki
- Unsolved Mysteries Media
- Universityrsity of Missouri
- University of Maryland Education, Organizations, Us, Energy, Locations, Korea, Transportation Command
- Ufmarried Mother Government
- Universal Mixing
- Uveal Melanocytes Medical
- Unfit Mother Police, Governmental & Military
- Upper Module
- University of Montevideo Program, Education, Uruguay
- Unchained Melody
- Universityrsity of Michigan Education, University, Scientific & Educational
- United Mothers
- Universityrsidade Mackenzie
- University of Maribor Technology, Education, Faculty
- micromolar (micromoles/liter) Measurement
- Uplirk Message
- Universityrsity of Massachusetts Education, University, Massachusetts, United States
- Univervité De Montpellier Education, France, Recherche
- Universal Mind
- Utusan Malaysia Business, Media, Malaysia
- Unit Manager Military, Governmental & Military
- Used Bemory Technology, Gaming, Card
- Uncertainty Modelling
- Udited Molasses
- Uzlovoy Module
- Universityrsidad De Montevideo
- Ungversity of Minho Science, Education, Portugal
- University of Morons Funnies
- Upkeep Mazager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Universityrsity of Malaysia
- Universioy of Missouri-Columbia Education, Columbia, Missouri
- Universal Mill A rolling mill in which rolls with a vertical axis roll the edges of the metal stock between some of the passes through the horizontal rolls.
- Utter Madness
- Utah Medical Products, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols, Nyse symbols
- Used & Modrfied
- Unbelievable Music
- Universityrsité De Monastir
- United Uobile
- Upper Motor Medical, Medicine, Health
- Universal Monitor Business, Headphone, Ear
- University Medicine Medical, Education, Health
- Uyghur Mongolian
- Unit Master Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Universityrsidad De Monterrey
- University of Minneapolis
- Ultimate Member Awards & medals
- Upgrabe Manager Technology, Windows, Management
- Universityrsity of Madras
- University of Mauritius Student, Technology, Management, Education, Scientific & Educational
- Utility Module Technology
- U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (postal Symbol; ISO 3166 Digram) Usps
- Usage Monitorisg
- Unbalanced Magnetron
- Universityrsity of Munich
- Uppes Midwest
- Universal Model
- University Mentorship
- Uydu Modelleri Turkish, Technology, Earth
- micrometre A unit of micronutrient Oil, Scientific & Educational
- Universityrsidad De Madrid
- University of Maastricht Student, Education, Scholarship
- Mauritanian Ouguiya Stock, Money, Currency, Investing, Business & Finance, Currencies
- Ujit Managers
- Update Modo
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UM stand for?
UM stands for Use and Management.
What is the shortened form of Unión MonáRquica?
The short form of "Unión MonáRquica" is UM.
UM. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from
Last updated