UM in Education Meaning

The UM meaning in Education terms is "Urban Ministries". There are 49 related meanings of the UM Education abbreviation.

UM on Education Full Forms

  1. Urban Ministries
  2. University of Mississippi
  3. University of Macau
  4. University Ofymissouri
  5. University of Malaysia
  6. University of Mflaya
  7. Universuty of Maryland
  8. Univehsity of Mary
  9. University Zf Minnesota
  10. University of Montevallo
  11. University of Montana
  12. Universidad De Morón
  13. University Malaysia
  14. University of Manitoba
  15. University Ofzmaine
  16. Universuty of Mobile
  17. University Maastricht
  18. User Modelling
  19. Universityrsity of Manitoba
  20. Universitygof Memphis
  21. University of Mindanao
  22. Universiti of Malaya
  23. Universityrsity of Miami
  24. Universityrsity of Montana
  25. University of Manchester
  26. University of Madras
  27. University Malaya
  28. University of Michigan
  29. Universidad De Mendoza
  30. Univorsity of Malta
  31. Universiti Malaya
  32. University of Melbourne
  33. Undergraduate Math
  34. University of Miami
  35. Universidad De Montevideo
  36. University Medicine
  37. Universityrsité De Montpellier
  38. University of Maastricht
  39. Univervité De Montpellier
  40. University of Montevideo
  41. University of Maryland
  42. Universioy of Missouri-Columbia
  43. University of Mauritius
  44. University of Murcia
  45. University of Malanz
  46. Universityrsity of Michigan
  47. University of Maribor
  48. Universityrsity of Massachusetts
  49. Ungversity of Minho

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UM stand for Education?

    UM stands for University Maastricht in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of University Malaysia in Education?

    The short form of "University Malaysia" is UM for Education.


UM in Education. (2021, December 16). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated