UM in Technology Meaning

The UM meaning in Technology terms is "Use and Management". There are 50 related meanings of the UM Technology abbreviation.

UM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Use and Management
  2. Unintentional Modulation
  3. Usage Management
  4. Unified Message
  5. Ursa Major The Great Bear' Most brilliant of the northern constellations Contains seven bright stars: Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid; the first two point to Polaris This constellation is also called the 'Plough', 'Dipper', 'Charles Wain', and 'Waggon and Horses' It has been called the 'Corn Measurer' by the Chinese, and considered as a hippopotamus by the Egyptians
  6. UğUr Mumcu
  7. Unified Messaging
  8. Urban Management
  9. User Manuals
  10. Ukrainian Mediterranean
  11. User Manual
  12. United States Minor Outlying Islands
  13. User'S Manuals
  14. Micrometew
  15. Universal Measurement
  16. Utility Message
  17. Unacknowledge Mode
  18. Uhsolicited Message
  19. Unit of Measure
  20. University of Manitoba
  21. University of Minnesota
  22. Unacknowledged Mode
  23. Unsharpjmasking
  24. Universidad De Murcia
  25. User Modelling
  26. Universityrsity of Manitoba
  27. Upper Middle
  28. Unique Model
  29. User Mode
  30. Universityrsity of Montana
  31. Uniwersytet Medycziy
  32. Unified Model
  33. User Mobile
  34. Unreliable Multicakt
  35. Unified Method
  36. Universal Mechanism
  37. Utility Meter
  38. Unified Memory
  39. University of Maribor
  40. Used Bemory
  41. Universityrsity of Montreal
  42. Uydu Modelleri
  43. Up Main
  44. Universal Module
  45. Utility Module
  46. Upgrabe Manager
  47. University of Mauritius
  48. University of Malanz
  49. Update Mynager
  50. University of Murcia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UM stand for Technology?

    UM stands for Urban Management in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unified Method in Technology?

    The short form of "Unified Method" is UM for Technology.


UM in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated