UMA in Technology Meaning
The UMA meaning in Technology terms is "Ursa Major". There are 26 related meanings of the UMA Technology abbreviation.
UMA on Technology Full Forms
- Ursa Major The Great Bear' Most brilliant of the northern constellations Contains seven bright stars: Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid; the first two point to Polaris This constellation is also called the 'Plough', 'Dipper', 'Charles Wain', and 'Waggon and Horses' It has been called the 'Corn Measurer' by the Chinese, and considered as a hippopotamus by the Egyptians
- Upper Memory Area
- Unified Management Agent
- Umbilical Mechanism Assembly
- Unified-Memory Architecture
- User Mode Audio
- Unlocking Mechanical Apparatus
- Umbilical Mating Assembly
- User Meisage Analyzer
- United Progressive Alliance
- Umbilical Mating Adapter
- User Manager Asnistant
- Uniform Memory Architecture
- Univernal Multimedia Access
- User Management Access
- Unified Motherboard Architecture
- Universal Mobile Access
- Unified Mail Archive
- Universal Mating Adapter
- User-Managed Access
- Undeliverable Message Action
- Universal Management Architecture
- Universal Management Agent
- User-Mode Audio
- Universwl Measurement Architecture
- User Managey Access
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UMA stand for Technology?
UMA stands for Universal Mating Adapter in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Unified Motherboard Architecture in Technology?
The short form of "Unified Motherboard Architecture" is UMA for Technology.
UMA in Technology. (2021, December 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from
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