UMES Meaning

The UMES meaning is "Ultramicroelectrodes". The UMES abbreviation has 20 different full form.

UMES Full Forms

  1. Ultramicroelectrodes Medical
  2. Unusual Mortality Events Locations, Dolphin, Gulf, Whale
  3. Univ of Maryland Eastern Shore
  4. University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
  5. University of Maryland Eastern Shores
  6. University of Maryland of Eastern Shore
  7. University of Michigan Executive System Technology, Computing, Operating
  8. University of Maryland Eastern Shore Education, Development, Universities
  9. University of Manitoba Engineering Society
  10. University of Maryland-Eastern Shore
  11. Universityrsity of Maryland Eastern Shore Education
  12. Universityrsity of Maryland Education
  13. University of Maryland Education, Organizations, Us, Energy, Locations, Korea, Transportation Command
  14. Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences
  15. University of Manitoba Employees Scholarship
  16. União Municipal Dos Estudantes Secundaristas
  17. University of Minnesota Extension Service
  18. União Municipal Dos Estudantes De São
  19. União Metropolitana Dos Estudantes Secundaristas Para, Dos, Ria, Pol
  20. Universityrsity of Michigan Executive System Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UMES stand for?

    UMES stands for Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences.

  2. What is the shortened form of University of Maryland-Eastern Shore?

    The short form of "University of Maryland-Eastern Shore" is UMES.


UMES. (2019, December 24). Retrieved January 18, 2025 from

Last updated