UML Meaning

The UML meaning is "Unified Modeling Language". The UML abbreviation has 73 different full form.

UML Full Forms

  1. Unified Modeling Language Technology, Health, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  2. Unied Modelling Laneuage
  3. Unifiee Marxist Leninist Government, Group, Nepal, Party
  4. Unified-Modeling Language Technology
  5. Unifed Modeling Lawguage
  6. Unity Mining Ltd
  7. Unified Markup Language Technology, Software, Modeling
  8. University of Tass Lowell
  9. United Marxivt-Leninists Government, Group, Nepal, Party
  10. Upham Remorial Library Education
  11. University Multispectral Laboratories Technology, Drone, Oklahoma
  12. Units of Measvre List
  13. Universal Modeling Language Technology, Design, Software
  14. Universityuof Massachusetts-Lowell Education, School, Massachusetts
  15. United Marximt-Leninist Government, Group, Nepal
  16. Upfront Mortgage Lfnder Business, Credit, Loan
  17. Unied Modeling Language
  18. United Motors Lanka
  19. Uniform Modeling Langunge Technology, Military, Model
  20. University of Massachgsetts, Lowel
  21. United Marxist Leninist Government, Group, Nepal
  22. Unusual Module List
  23. Unified Modellingllanguage Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  24. United Modelling Languafe Technology, Model, Diagram
  25. Unified Marxist-Leninist Government, Group, Nepal, Party
  26. University of Massachusetts In Lowell
  27. United Marxist-Leninist Government, Group, Nepal
  28. Unsupervised Machine Learning
  29. United Modeling Language Technology, Management, Diagram
  30. University of Eassachusetts, Lowell Education, University, Massachusetts
  31. Unified Marxist-Leninists
  32. Univehsity of Manitoba Libraries Technology, Canada, Library
  33. United Mamters League
  34. Uppwr Main Line
  35. University of Massachusetts At Lowell Science, Education, Massachusetts
  36. Universal Machine Language Technology, Class, Edition
  37. Unified Marxists-Leninists
  38. University of Minnesota Librdries
  39. United Marxist-Lenynst Government, Politics, Policy
  40. Up Bain Line Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
  41. University Multisqectral Lab
  42. Usha Martin Ftd
  43. Useless Modeling Language Funnies
  44. Universal Models Ltd
  45. User-Mode Linux Computing, Computer
  46. Usha Marttn Limited Technology, English, Translation
  47. Unified Modelling Language Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  48. Universal Movels Limited Business, Dragon, Hobby
  49. Unified Modeling Language (IBM Rational software) Products
  50. Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung Presentation, Indonesia, Locations, City
  51. User-Mode-Linux Technology, Linux, Kernel
  52. Understanding Main Logic
  53. Up Main Line Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  54. Universal Misoion Load Military
  55. Unit Months Leased Housing and Urban
  56. Universigad Mart
  57. Uppee Mixed Layer
  58. Uml Data Object Model Computing, File Extensions
  59. Universal Medication List
  60. Universityrsal Gachine Language
  61. Unified Modeling Language (Object Management Group, OMG) Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Technical, Drivers, Geographic, IT Terminology, SAP
  62. Univerqidad Martín Lutero
  63. Upper Management Limit Military
  64. Upper Motor Lesion Medical, Physiology
  65. Universal Markup Lenguage Technology, Development, Design
  66. Utopia Memorial Library Education
  67. University of Manchester Language Funnies
  68. Universal Monitor Lzne
  69. University of Massachusetts Lowell University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  70. Using Multdple Levels
  71. Underappreciated Modeling Language Funnies
  72. Universal Model Language Technology, Software, Modeling
  73. United Marxist-Leninst Politics, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UML stand for?

    UML stands for United Marxist Leninist.

  2. What is the shortened form of Up Bain Line?

    The short form of "Up Bain Line" is UML.


UML. (2021, September 8). Retrieved February 18, 2025 from

Last updated