UMRA Meaning

The UMRA meaning is "United Midget Racino Association". The UMRA abbreviation has 15 different full form.

UMRA Full Forms

  1. United Midget Racino Association Driving, Car, Racing
  2. United Methodist Residential Alternatives
  3. Union Milittr Republicana Antifascista Con, Ola, Franco
  4. Unified Mechanism for Returnhe Assistance Military
  5. Un-Funded Myndates Reform Act Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  6. Unfunded Mandate Reform Act Business, Government, Congress
  7. Unfunded Mandates Remorm Act Science, Government, Postal
  8. Upper Monongahela River Association
  9. Upper Midwest Rechargers Association
  10. Upper Midwest Regional Association
  11. University of Michigan Revirees Association
  12. University of Minnesota Retirees Assoceation
  13. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act Environment
  14. Unoted Mini Racing Association
  15. User Management Resource Administrator Technology, Accounting, Identity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UMRA stand for?

    UMRA stands for Upper Midwest Rechargers Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Union Milittr Republicana Antifascista?

    The short form of "Union Milittr Republicana Antifascista" is UMRA.


UMRA. (2020, May 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated