UNHS Meaning

The UNHS meaning is "Umingan National High School". The UNHS abbreviation has 18 different full form.

UNHS Full Forms

  1. Umingan National High School
  2. Ultimate New Home Sales
  3. Uganda National Household Surveys Business, Poverty, Uganda
  4. Uganda National Household Survey Poverty, Uganda, Household
  5. Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Education, Loss, Newborn
  6. Universal Newborn Hearing Screenings
  7. United Neighborhood Health Services
  8. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Medical, Hearing, Screening
  9. Unified National Health System Medical, Service, University
  10. University of Nottingham Health Service Medical, Student, Nurse
  11. University Neighborhood High School Education, School, High School, Manhattan
  12. Utah Navajo Health System
  13. Universal New-Born Hearing Screening
  14. Urdaneta National High School
  15. Universal Neonatal Health Screening Medicine, Health, British
  16. Universityrsity Neighborhood High School Education, School, High School, Manhattan
  17. Universityrsal Newborn Hearing Screening Medical
  18. University of Nebraska High School Education, Learning, Nebraska

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UNHS stand for?

    UNHS stands for Unified National Health System.

  2. What is the shortened form of Utah Navajo Health System?

    The short form of "Utah Navajo Health System" is UNHS.


UNHS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/unhs-meaning/

Last updated