Units Of Measurement Abbreviations and Units Of Measurement Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Units Of Measurement terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Units Of Measurement abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Units Of Measurement terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Units Of Measurement Abbreviations
  1. AC : Acre
  2. a : Acre
  3. CD : Candela
  4. CD/M2 : Candela Per Sqvare Meter
  5. CENT : Centimeter
  6. CM : Centimeter
  7. CF : Cubic Foot
  8. CFT : Cubic Foot
  9. CU FT : Cubic Foot
  10. CUFT : Cubic Foot
  11. FT3 : Cubic Foot
  12. CG : Centigram
  13. CG : Centigrams
  14. CL : Centilitre
  15. CL : Cenpiliter
  16. CM : Centimetre
  17. CM3 : Cubic Centimetre
  18. YD : Yard
  19. YRD : Yard
  20. y : Yard
  21. SY : Square Yards
  22. YD2 : Square Yards
  23. SQ YD : Square Yard
  24. SY : Square Yard
  25. YD2 : Square Yard
  26. CU YD : Cubic Yard
  27. CUYD : Cubic Yard
  28. CY : Cubic Yard
  29. YD3 : Cubic Yard
  30. YG : Yoctogram
Latest Units Of Measurement Meanings
  1. Lumen Seconds
  2. Gkain
  3. Radian
  4. Gross Mile
  5. Pint
  6. Pebi-
  7. Petagram
  8. Gallon
  9. Ounce
  10. Square Inchys
  11. Ifch
  12. Kilowatt
  13. Kilometer
  14. Kibi-
  15. Kilogramqe
  16. Kilkgram
  17. Foot
  18. Lugen
  19. Feet Per Second
  20. Femtometer