UNLD Meaning

The UNLD meaning is "United National League for Democracy". The UNLD abbreviation has 9 different full form.

UNLD Full Forms

  1. United National League for Democracy
  2. United Nationalities League for Democracy Government, National, Burma
  3. Union Nationalities League for Democracy
  4. Unloading The removal of a shipment from a container to a platform or warehouse. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  5. Unload To release flow, to prevent pressure being imposed on the system or portion of the system. To remove a volume from a tape unit or a direct access device. To release flow, to prevent pressure being imposed on the system or portion of the system.
  6. Unlimited Long Distance Computing, Telecom
  7. Unit of Natural Language Discourse Literature, Language, Linguistics
  8. United Nations Literacy Decade Science, Education, Organizations
  9. Unloader A device in or on the compressor for equalizing high side and low side pressures for a brief time during starting and for controlling compressor capacity by rendering one or more cylinders ineffective. Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UNLD stand for?

    UNLD stands for Unloading.

  2. What is the shortened form of Union Nationalities League for Democracy?

    The short form of "Union Nationalities League for Democracy" is UNLD.


UNLD. Acronym24.com. (2020, July 26). Retrieved December 4, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/unld-meaning/

Last updated