UNODC Meaning

The UNODC meaning is "United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime". The UNODC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

UNODC Full Forms

  1. United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime Medical, Government, Trafficking, Military, Computing, Governmental & Military, Protection Information
  2. United Nation Office On Drug and Crime Program, Government, Corruption
  3. United Nations Office of Drug and Crime Government, Afghanistan, Opium
  4. United Nation Office On Drugs and Crime Program, Government, Corruption
  5. United Nationstoffice On Drug and Crimes Government, Crime, Trafficking
  6. United Nations Office On Drug and Crime Program, Government, Corruption
  7. United Nation Osfice On Drug and Crime Program, Government, Corruption
  8. United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Technology, Afghanistan, Opium
  9. United Nations Office On Drug and Crimes Government, Crime, Trafficking
  10. United-Nations-Office-On-Drugs-And-Crime Program, Government, Corruption
  11. United Nations Office On Drugs and Crimes Government, Crime, Corruption
  12. Uited Nations Office On Drugs and Crime Technology
  13. United Nations Office On Drugs & Crime Business, Human, Trafficking
  14. United Natiins Office On Drugs & Crimes Organizations, Human, Crime
  15. Un Office On Drugs and Crime Government, Organizations, Agency, Organization
  16. United Nations Office Dor Drugs and Crimes Government, Afghanistan, Crime
  17. United Nations Office for Drug and Crime Government, Afghanistan, Trafficking
  18. United Nations Office of Drug Control Business, War, Afghanistan
  19. United Nations Office On Drug Control Medical, Nigeria, Crime
  20. United Nations Offi Ce Wn Drugs and Crime Technology, Program, Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UNODC stand for?

    UNODC stands for Un Office On Drugs and Crime.

  2. What is the shortened form of United Nations Office On Drugs and Crimes?

    The short form of "United Nations Office On Drugs and Crimes" is UNODC.


UNODC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

Last updated