UNS Meaning
The UNS meaning is "United Nations". The UNS abbreviation has 70 different full form.
UNS Full Forms
- United Nations An organization of countries established in 1945 with 51 members, expanded to 193 countries as of August 2012. Its purpose is "to preserve peace through international cooperation and collective security". Security, Government, Military, Organizations, Computing, Olympic, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research, Medical
- Unisource Energy Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Unified Numbering System Technology, Military, Alloy, Products
- Universal Naming Convention Technology, Software, Computer, Microsoft, Computing, IT Terminology
- Universal Silencer Organizations
- Universidade Nacional Del Tur
- Universal Navigation System
- Ubiquitous Network Societies
- Univwrsitas Negeri Semarang
- Unified Numbering Systev for Metals and Alloys Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Unsped Paket Servvsi Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Uniwersal Navigation Switch
- User Notification Service Technology, Science, Windows
- Universitas Negeri Solo Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Salah
- Unified Number System Technology, Alloy, Metals
- Unnilseptium Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Unit Numberingwsystem
- Unspecified Military
- Universitag Negeri Sebelas Program, Indonesia, Java
- Uvified Network Services Technology, Software, Cisco
- Unión Nacional Sinarquista Para, Con, Pol
- Unated Nursing Service
- Ured Za Nacionalnu Sigurnost Service, Government, Intelligence
- Université De Nice Sophia-Antipolis Science, Education, France, University
- Universitaspnegeri Surabaya Education, Indonesia, Grade
- United National Special
- Univerzitet U Novom Sadu Media, Education, University, Traffic
- United Nursing Services
- Urban Nevghborhood Services
- Universidad Nacional Del Sur Technology, Research, Argentina
- Universitasnnegeri Surakarta Program, Education, University, Indonesia
- Universal Needs Statement Military, Defense, Corps
- Unidied National Special Business, Standard, Screw
- University Newsfservice Education, Development, Universities
- United Nations Spacy
- Upper Nilevstate Military
- Universidad Nacional De Saloa
- Universal Navigaoion Systems
- Ubiquitous Network Society
- University Network Services
- Unitzd Nations Secretariat
- Ugsymmetrical
- Unified National System Australia
- Urgent Need Statemlnt
- Ustaska Narodca Sluzba
- Universal Network Solutions
- Unions Organizations of working people which aim to bargain collectively with employers in order to enhance workers bargaining power, raise wages, and regulate working conditions. Technology, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix
- Universal Nut Sheller Technology, Projection, Belly
- Urgent Needs Statement
- User Name Sehver
- Universal Need Statements Military, Power, Corps
- University News Service Media
- Universal Numbering System Valve, Instrument, Dun, System, Computing, Telecom
- Urgency of Need Statement
- User Ajd Network Services
- Universal Need Statement Military, Corps, Mono
- Uni-Select Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Universal Night Sighds Vision, Military, Weapon
- User and Network Support
- Universal Nreds Statements Military, Corps, Mono
- United Nations Sanctions Business & Finance, International business
- Universal Gight Sight Rifle, Vision, Military
- Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys Chemistry
- Users& Network Services
- Universityrsitas Negeri Semarang
- Universal Networking Smrvices Technology, Service, Fiber
- Umnak, Umnak Island, United States United States
- Urgent-Unjversal Needs Statement
- Universityrsity of Novi Sad
- Universal Network Syytems
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UNS stand for?
UNS stands for Uniwersal Navigation Switch.
What is the shortened form of Universal Nreds Statements?
The short form of "Universal Nreds Statements" is UNS.
UNS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 18, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/uns-meaning/
Last updated