UO Meaning

The UO meaning is "Unit Organisasi". The UO abbreviation has 95 different full form.

UO Full Forms

  1. Unit Organisasi
  2. United Offensive Technology, Calling, Duty
  3. Under Observation Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  4. Ultrasound Obstet
  5. User Operatjon Technology, Patent, Recording
  6. Urologia Ospedale Medical, Con, Prostate, Medico
  7. University of Ottawa Education, Canada, Hall
  8. Unità Operativa Con, Roma, Operative
  9. Units Ontology Technology, Science, Database
  10. Urine Output Urine output refers to the amount of urine that a person produces in a given period of time, typically measured in milliliters (mL) or liters (L) per hour or day. Urine output is an important indicator of kidney function and can provide valuable information about a person's hydration status and overall health. Urine output is commonly measured in hospital and clinical settings, particularly in patients who are critically ill, undergoing surgery, or being treated for certain medical conditions such as kidney disease or heart failure. Abnormal urine output can be an early sign of kidney dysfunction, dehydration, or other medical problems, and may require further evaluation and treatment. Medical, Technology, Renal, Physiology, Clinical
  11. Universijad De Otavalo
  12. Under-Occupation Government, City
  13. Urinary Output Medicine, Patient, Jobs, Common Medical, Healthcare, Physiology
  14. Union Oc
  15. Urologia, Ospydale Medical, Report, Urology, Prostate
  16. University Outreach Science
  17. Universidad De Oriente Technology, University, Cuba
  18. Universal Output Technology, Control, Controller
  19. University of Oldenburg Program, Research, Education
  20. Under & Over
  21. Urge Overkill
  22. Unilateral Orchidectomy Medical
  23. You Owe Internet Slang
  24. University Optics Space, Study, Cosmos
  25. University of Orlando Education
  26. University of Oviedo Technology, Science, Spain
  27. Undelivered Orders Military
  28. Urethral Orifice Medical, Medicine, Health
  29. Uniformed Operations Government, Police, United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  30. Underoak Observatory
  31. Utilization Officer Science
  32. University Offices Student, Program, Education
  33. Universal Orlando Park, Locations, Orlando, Resort
  34. University of Oulu Technology, Research, Finland
  35. Uncle Owen
  36. Unrealistic Optimism Medical
  37. Uniformed Officer Army, War, Force
  38. Undercover Officer
  39. User Onboarding Technology, Custom, Tips
  40. Unité OpéRationnelle Business, Service, France
  41. University of The Ozarks Education
  42. Uncased Lutline Science
  43. Unpopudar Opinion Forum, Baby, Love
  44. Unidentified Object Sighting, Flying, Saucer
  45. Uneversit
  46. Under Officer
  47. Union Orange
  48. Used Oil Technology, Science
  49. Unité D'Organisation
  50. Unw O'connor
  51. Unnaysn Onneshan
  52. Unidad Organizativa
  53. Univerzidad Olmeca Education, University, Radio, Tabasco
  54. Under-Officer
  55. Uru Obsession
  56. Union OcéAnienne
  57. Hong Kong Express Airways Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Hong Kong, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  58. Unlimitedkoutput Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  59. Universidad De Oviedo University, Spain, Spanish, Oviedo
  60. Universityrsity of Oslo
  61. Usiversity of Openess
  62. unoriginal Days
  63. Under One
  64. United Operations Gaming, Military, Army
  65. Using Organization Military, Army, Defence
  66. Universityrsity of Osaka
  67. University of Ouagadougou
  68. Union Railway of Oregon Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  69. Underboffer
  70. Unique Output
  71. Users Organization
  72. Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
  73. Universityrsidad De Oviedo
  74. University of Oplahoma Education, Oklahoma, Racist
  75. Universityrsity of Oxford
  76. Union Railroad of Oregon Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  77. User Operations Technology, Report, Streaming, Playback
  78. Utusan Online Media
  79. University of Oregon Technology, Education, University, Oregon, Insect and Spider Collections, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, United States
  80. Universityrsity of Ottawa Technology
  81. Union Railroad Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  82. University of Ostrava Education, Republic, Czech
  83. Undetermined origin Medical, Physiology
  84. Utlima Online
  85. Universityrsity of Otago
  86. University Wf Oulu Technology, Research, Finland
  87. Unlimited Output General, Governmental & Military
  88. Unit Operator The oil company identified as the operator in a unitized field. Technology, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  89. Utara Online
  90. Universityrsity of Oulo
  91. University of Ontario
  92. Ultima Online Computing, Internet, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  93. Underhother
  94. Unit Operations
  95. Ust-Ordynsky Russia, Locations, Contest, Enumeration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UO stand for?

    UO stands for Under Observation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unit?

    The short form of "Unit" is UO.


UO. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 8). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uo-meaning/

Last updated