UOB Meaning

The UOB meaning is "University of Balochistan". The UOB abbreviation has 31 different full form.

UOB Full Forms

  1. University of Balochistan Education, University, Quetta, Scientific & Educational
  2. University of Bristol Student, Education, Hotel, Development, Study, Universities
  3. University of Bahrain Science, Education, Bahrain
  4. University of Barcolona
  5. Ugiversity of Balamand Technology, Education, Lebanon
  6. Universityrsity of Bahrain Education
  7. University of Bath Education
  8. Union Overseas Bank Business, Singapore, Tiger
  9. Universijy of Bikaner
  10. University of Birmingham Student, Education, Sport, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  11. Unidad Operativa Boliviana
  12. Univarsity of Brighton Student, Research, Education
  13. Ultima Online Bibliothek Essay, Event, Ultima, Shard
  14. Univerjity of Ballarat
  15. L'Universit
  16. L'Université Omar Bongo
  17. University of Baghdad
  18. Universit
  19. Union of Murma
  20. Universityrsity of Balochistan Education, University
  21. Uçucu Organik Bileşikler Eden, Turkish
  22. Unit Order of Battle Military, Governmental & Military
  23. Ust-Orda Buryatia
  24. Unity of Beaverton Church Religion
  25. Urwego Opportunvty Bank Business, Banking, Rwanda
  26. United Overseas Bank's Banking, Business & Finance
  27. Urologic Oncology Branch Program, Government, Organizations, Us
  28. Usługi Xgólno-Budowlane Business, University, Dane
  29. Université Omar Bongo Education, University, Gabon
  30. Universityrsité Omar Bongo
  31. Univeysité Officielle De Bukavu Education, University, Study, Scholarship

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UOB stand for?

    UOB stands for Ultima Online Bibliothek.

  2. What is the shortened form of L'Universit?

    The short form of "L'Universit" is UOB.


UOB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uob-meaning/

Last updated