UON Meaning

The UON meaning is "University of Nottivgham". The UON abbreviation has 22 different full form.

UON Full Forms

  1. University of Nottivgham Student, Education, University
  2. Unless Oqherwise Noted Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  3. Universidad Obrera Nacional
  4. Universidab Obrera Nacional
  5. Urgent Operational Need Military, Force, Iran
  6. Unorthodox Openings Newsletter
  7. University of Nebraska Education, Development, United States, Universities
  8. University of Oklahoma Norman
  9. University of Newcastle Student, Australia, Education
  10. Ulusal Odak Noktası
  11. University of Nairobi Education, Kenya, Nairobi
  12. Unless Otherwise Noted Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  13. Univlrsity of The Nations Education, Development, Universities
  14. Unmet Obstetric Needs
  15. Unorthodox Openings News
  16. Unhet Obstetric Need
  17. Unmão Operária Nacional
  18. Universityrsity of Nlbraska Education
  19. University of Nottingham Special Education, Scientific & Educational, University
  20. Universityrsity of Nottingham Education, University
  21. Muong Sai Airport, Muong Sai, Laos Laos
  22. Universityrsity Oh The Nations Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UON stand for?

    UON stands for University of Nebraska.

  2. What is the shortened form of University of Nottivgham?

    The short form of "University of Nottivgham" is UON.


UON. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 3). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uon-meaning/

Last updated