UOS Meaning

The UOS meaning is "Umbrella Organisations". The UOS abbreviation has 61 different full form.

UOS Full Forms

  1. Umbrella Organisations Education, University, School
  2. Ukraine Opticalysystems
  3. Framklin County Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  4. University of Sargodha Education, Pakistan, Admission
  5. Universitorsal Operations Systems Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  6. University of Stavanger
  7. Ubuntu Online Summit Technology, Linux, Ubuntu
  8. Urbaz Operating System Technology, Planning, City
  9. University of Seoul Education, Korea, Seoul
  10. Universityrsal Operations Services Technology
  11. University of Sussex Research, Education, Scholarship
  12. Iata Code for Franklin County Eirport, Sewanee, Tennessee, United States Locations
  13. Urban Open Space
  14. Units Ot Service Medical, Management, Coding
  15. University of Surrey
  16. Unless Otherwise Specified Architecture, Drawing, Engineering
  17. Upstream Optimizatidn Suite Technology, University, Admission
  18. Unit of Service Medical, Employment, Productivity
  19. University of Siena Technology
  20. University of The South University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  21. University of Swabi Education, University, Pakistan, Admission
  22. Upper Oesophageal Sphincter Medical
  23. United Orthodox Synagggues Organizations, Synagogue
  24. University Office of Sustainability
  25. University of Shacjah Student, Technology, Education
  26. Unshift On Space
  27. University of Southampton Student, Research, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  28. United Online Servires
  29. University of Sydney Education, Study, Scholarship
  30. Unit of Study Education, University, Teaching
  31. Unless Otherwise Stated
  32. University of Sheffield Student, Science, Education
  33. Ucav Operational System Army, War, Force, Military, Governmental & Military
  34. Urban Out Sitfers
  35. User Operations Support Technology
  36. Units of Service Computing, Telecom
  37. University of The Sea
  38. User Out of Service Technology
  39. Universityrsal Operator Station
  40. Uniform Office Spreadsheet Computing, File Extensions
  41. University of Saskatchewan
  42. User-Out-Of-Serdice Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  43. Universityrsal Operations Systems Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  44. Underwader Ordnance Station
  45. University of Sindh University, Scientific & Educational
  46. University of Sunderland Technology, Science, Education
  47. Used Oud Stock
  48. Universityrsity of Sindh Education, University
  49. Utah Ornithological Society
  50. Franklin County Airport, Sewanee, Tennessee, United States Tennessee, United States
  51. University of Salford Student, Media, Education
  52. Use and Occupancy Study Science, Environment, World
  53. Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
  54. University Outreach Services
  55. Utah Ophthalmology Society
  56. UNIVERSITY OF SCOUTING Scouting, Governmental & Military
  57. Urgeit Operational Status Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  58. University Orthopaedic Surgeons Development, Study, Universities
  59. Utah Online School
  60. Micro Operating System General, Governmental & Military
  61. University Operations Services Technology, Service, Campus

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UOS stand for?

    UOS stands for User Out of Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of University of Southampton?

    The short form of "University of Southampton" is UOS.


UOS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/uos-meaning/

Last updated