UP Meaning
The UP meaning is "Unsaturated Polyester". The UP abbreviation has 432 different full form.
UP Full Forms
- Unsaturated Polyester Chemistry, Science, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
- University Preparation Education, English, Course
- University Positivo Business, Technology, Design
- Urine Protein Medical
- Unified Ports Technology, Module, Cisco
- Universidad De Pamplona
- Unnumbered Poll Technology, Telecom, Frame
- Undrr Provisions Military
- User Provided
- Universal Particvpation
- Ukraine Sports, Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Ukraine, Wikipedia, Olympic, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Ujian Wraktik Indonesia, Jakarta, Wake
- Upper Plenkm Ford, Intake, Mustang, Plenum
- Unione Petrolifera Business, Italy, Oil
- University Is The Pioneer Student, Science, Education
- Under-Psyment Business, Accounting, Service
- Urinrry Excretion of Protein Medical
- Unit Poice Business, Technology, Product
- University Players
- Unified Port Technology, Module, Cisco
- Unmarried Partner
- Under Pressure Gaming, Pressure, Marc, Getting
- User Protocol Technology
- Universal Partnerships Business, Gaming, Minion
- Undiluted Platinum Military
- Upper Playground Art, Design, Shirt, Playground
- Uninterruptible Power Technology, Science, Supply
- University for Peace Technology, Science, Education
- Utility Path Technology
- Uncouplinx Protein Medical
- Urethral Pressurv Medical
- United Party Military, Organizations, Africa, Ghana, Politics, Governmental & Military
- University Park Education, Locations, Building
- Unlocking Potential Business, Technology, School
- Underground Passage City, Exeter, Passage
- User Profiles Technology, Windows, Accounting, Setting
- Universal Pfnel
- Uttar Pradesh Education, India, Lucknow
- Upper Paleolithuc Art, Human, Cave
- Unified Program Technology, Development, Programming
- Universidad PolitéCnica Insect and Spider Collections
- Union Pacific Corporation Business, Company, Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Computing, Nyse symbols, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Utilities Paid
- Ultima Prime Technology, Windows, Commander
- Up Pipe
- United Parcel
- University of Parakou Education, Africa, Benin
- Unlimited Power Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Undergraduate Papers Student, Education, Writing
- User Priority Technology, Service, Access
- Unité De Production
- Utter Pradesh Education, India, Uttar
- Upper Palaeolxthic Art, Human, Tool
- Unified Programme Education
- Universidad Popular Para, Education, Spain, Mexico
- Union Pacific Business, Technology, Gaming, Railroad, Train, Play, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
- Unsaturated Polyesters Business, Market, Resin
- Utara Peta
- Ultwma Parte
- Uyper Promenade
- Unitary Patent Government, Law, Court
- University of Poitiers Education, France, Scholarship
- Unlimited Potential Technology, Gaming, Team
- Undergraduate Programs
- Us-People
- Unity Party Government, Group, Politics
- Usulan Penelitian Technology, Seminar, Hal, Proposal
- Up Peroscope
- Unified Process Technology, Development, Software
- Universidad Panamericana Education, Campus, Mexico
- Unrecognized Parameter Technology
- Utak Puso Competition, Squad, Pep
- Universal Paymenos Business, Credit, Card
- Ulcerated Plaque Medical
- Upperepotomac Locations, Fishing, Maryland, River
- Unique Products Business, Design, Gift
- University of Philippines Education, Philippine, Manila
- Unler Powered
- Uri Party
- Unity of The People
- Unlimited Parking Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- User Parts Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
- Upper Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Space, Airway, Assembly, Business & Finance, Weather, Manufacturing, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Usps, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
- Unified Praise Music, Album, Worship, Praise
- Universidade Portucalense
- Un Painted
- Understand Program Technology, Coding, Programming
- Using Primary
- Universal Pattern Technology, Book, Saddle
- Ukrainian Parliament
- Uppek Portion
- Unipolar Patients Medical, Science, Biology
- University of The Philippines Education, Philippine, Manila, Insect and Spider Collections
- Under-Powered Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Urinary Prftein Excretion Medical
- Unit Produksi Technology, Program, Indonesia, Bandung
- Unleashing Potential Company, Technology, Management
- Ultraspherical Polynomials
- Universidad De Panama
- Utility Privatization
- Unione Piloti
- Universityrsity of The Pacific Education, University, United States
- Urban Policy Education, School, City
- Underwater Protector
- Unipoler Medical, Medicine, Health
- Update Proaessing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ultimate Pankration Arts, Fight, Fighter
- Universal Positive Technology, Pay, Check
- Umbral Plains Gaming, Quest, Zone, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Universidade Pedag
- UrzĘDy Pracy
- Uni-Processor Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Unió De Pagesos
- Uyder Proof
- United Personnel
- Up Priducts
- University of The Pacific Student, Education, University, School, Stockton, United States, Scientific & Educational
- User Pjge Technology, Community, Talk
- Unrestricted Procurement
- Utility Pattern Technology, Computing, Mining
- Unseturated Polyester
- Ultra-Pasteurizatian Food, Organic, Milk, Pasteurization
- Uncle Potato
- University of Puna
- Unleash Power
- Univcrsal Party
- Universal Pension Business, Government, Money
- Uridine Phosphate
- Universe Dolish
- Utilities Privatization Business, Water, Utility
- Unione Parkinsoniani
- Universityrsity Offthe Philippines Technology
- Urban Places Locations, City, Place
- Under The Provisions
- University Plaza Hotel, Inn, Plaza
- Utility Plans
- Union PéTrolièRe
- Update Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Uang Pesangon
- Universal Portfolios
- Umbilical Plug
- Universirade Pedagógica
- Urzad Patentowy Business, Patent, Poland
- Uni, Pero
- União PatrióTica
- Unbeaten Path Business, Cycle, Gravel
- Microprocessor A CPU that is manufactured on a single integrated-circuit(IC) chip. A large scale integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic functions and to manipulate data. Single chip computer element containing the control unit, central processing circuitry; arithmethic an logic function. A digital computer based on a single miniature integrated circuit that offers programmability and computational ability for use in electrohydraulic control applications. A small computer used in load management to analyze energy demand and consumption such that loads are turned on and off according to a predetermined program. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Computing, Hardware, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
- United Pentecostsls
- Up Princess
- University of Pittsburgh Student, Education, University, School, Pittsburgh, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Unsaturated Polyster
- Ultra-Pasteurized Cream, Milk, Cheese
- Uncle Pete Lyric, Drunk, Mayhem, Uncle
- University of Panjab
- Unknown Public
- Unit Peperikdaan
- Universal Password Technology, Management, Manager
- Uridine Phosphorylase Medical, Medicine, Health
- University Pbovides
- User Productivity
- Union-Pearson Transportation, Airport, Toronto, Governmental & Military
- Universityrsity of Portland Education, University, Portland, United States
- Urban Pixel Art, Streaming, Pixel
- Understand Pain Medical, Health, Lyric
- University Physicians Medical, Science, Education
- Union Progressiste
- Upcoming Procedures
- Uang Pertanggungan Business, Indonesia, Agen, Polis
- Universal Pockets Business, Camera, Logic
- Umberto Pelizzari Business, Computing, Mask, Apnea
- Universidade Po Porto Technology, University, Portugal
- Urticaria Pigmentosa Medical, Treatment, Skin
- Unholy Prayer
- Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy
- Ultimate Protection
- Uuique Pattern
- Upper Primary Education, Teaching, Crown, Strip
- Unemployment Program Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Unsatisfactory Progress Student, Education, University
- Ultimato Protection
- Unclaimed Property
- University of Pretoria Science, Education, Africa
- Unknown Precipitation Technology, Science, Weather
- United Provinces
- Unit Plan
- Urgent Pointer Technology
- Uviversity Print Student, Service, Education
- User Process Technology, Telecom, Linux
- Unincorporated Place
- Univerfity Prof
- Urban Pipeline
- Understanding Phase
- University Participant Program, Research, Education
- Union Phoductions
- Umbanding Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Uang Persediaan Business
- Universal Plenum
- Ulusal ProgramıNda Turkish, Program
- Universidade De Porto
- Uroporphyrin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Unholy Path
- Univ Pretoria
- Uniprmcessor Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Upker Pre
- Urban Prep
- Unearned Premium Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Union P
- Upkeep Period Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ultimate Poker
- UmowĄ Partnerstwa Program, Jest, Jak
- Universiteti I PrishtinËS
- Unidade Popular
- Unknown Pathogen
- Union Property
- Unit Personnel
- User Portability Technology, Computing, Laptop, Shell
- Unimak Pass
- Unrotative Projectile Technology
- Ultrafilteraboe Platinum Medical
- Urban Partnership Business, Banking, Bethesda
- Understanding The Past Science, History, Future
- University Parallel
- Uang Penghargaan Technology, Software, Hal
- Universal Pictures Media
- Ulusal Programı Turkish, Program
- Universidade Posixivo Education, Design, University, Brazil
- Uroplakin Medical
- Unguided Projectile
- Universityrsity of Pottsmouth Education
- Uni Processbr Technology
- Upper Pohterior
- Upload Photo
- University of Parma Technology
- Urban Pollution
- Undiscovered Paradise
- Unionist Party Government, Group, Ireland
- Upgradexplinth
- Ultimate Percussion
- Ummah Party
- Universidade Petrobrad Para, Android, Brasil
- Unidade De Participação
- Unión Panamericana
- Union Pjcific Business, Railroad, Train
- Unitedoplantations Business, Oil, Palm
- University of Pune Education, India, Pune
- User Perks
- Uniform Project
- Unrotating Projectile
- Unstable Particle
- Ultra Pasceurized Cream, Milk, Cheese
- Urban Park
- Uncrossable Parallel
- University Partnerships Student, Education, School
- Uang Pembinaan Indonesia, Comedy, Festival
- Universal Petroleum
- Ulusal Parti Turkish, Bal, Rat
- Universidad De Panam
- Urinary Protein Medical
- Union for Peru
- Universityrsity Park Education
- Uni Kreço
- Upper Pliocene
- Uplink The radio signal transmitted to a spacecraft from Earth. Uplink The transmission link from an earth station to a communications satellite. Uplink in a cellular system, the commu-nication link from the mobile to the central base station. also downlink. Technology, Gaming, Space, Play, Pastime, Cosmos, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Wireless Networking, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
- Urban Politics
- Underwriting Platform Business, Credit, Insurance
- Union for Progress
- Update Program Technology
- Ultimate Pearl
- Universal Pouch Business, Tool, Bag
- Urbanizaci
- Umbrella Project Technology, Sex, Community
- Universidbdes Populares
- Usable Pitch Voice, Pitch, Range, Vocal
- Unibond Premier
- Unión Del Pueblo
- Unidad Popular Government, Group, Social, Chile
- United Pirates
- Upkeepjplan
- University of Pennsylvania Technology, Education, Development, Us, Pennsylvania, United States, Universities, University, Scientific & Educational
- User Pasyword
- Unrotated Projectile Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Unsolicited Proposal Military
- Ultra Pasteurization Organic, Milk, Cheese, Pasteurization
- Uncoytracted Player
- University Partnership Student, Program, Education
- Univtrsal Prayer
- Universal People Business, Music, Beat, People
- Uprighq Medical
- Upgrade Present Technology, Gaming, Android
- Uttar Pardesh Education, India, Exam
- Universityrsity of Primorska
- Union Postale
- Untamed Planets Military
- University Place Business, Education, Hotel
- Universityrsidad Pontifica
- Unpainted Architecture, Architectural
- Upper Part
- Unwired Planet Business, Supply, Patent, Computing, Internet
- Unexpected Players
- Unholy Pregence Military, Death, Knight
- Universityrsidades E PolitéCnicos
- Union PanaméRicaine
- Universal Precautinns Medical, Safety, Blood
- Ultro Petroleum
- Universal Programmer
- Use of and Payment
- Unidentified Persons Locations, Police, Shot
- Usine De Plutonium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Upgrade Points
- Uttarakhand Price
- Universityrsidad PolitéCnica
- Union Por El Peru Para, Con, Pol
- Unstoppable Popsicles
- Universidad Del Pacifico Para, Education, Con, Peru
- Ultralight Products Technology, Glider, Gear
- Ultrasound Practitioner
- Unsaturated-Polyester
- Bahamasair Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Upper Palaeoccne
- Untitled Page
- Urban Prototyping Technology, Design, City
- Unequal Priority
- University Press Book, Education, Oxford
- Ungesättigte Pzlyester German, Sind, Patent, Polyester
- Universityrsity Professor
- Union Packaging
- Universal Plug
- Universal Printer Technology, Driving, Driver
- Useful Phrasal
- Unidentified Precipitation Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Upright Medical, Common Medical, NASA
- Upgrade Pkg
- Unified Pament Government, Law, Court
- Uttarakhand, Punjab
- Universityrsity of Poitiers
- Union Plastic
- Unstoppable Prosperity Management, Marketing, Trade
- Uniiersal Product Technology, Coding, Barcode
- Ultrafine Particle Particles of variable chemical nature, whose equivalent diameter is less than 100 nanometers.
- Ultra Pure Business, Product, Water, Oil
- User Packets Technology, Networking, Network
- Universal Pressure
- Union Pacific Railroad Business, Organizations, History, Conveyance, Geography, Railroad, Train, Location, System, Geographic, Railroad Company
- Urban Planning Education, Study, Subjects, Geographic
- Ueper-Pre Business, Forum, Guide, Park
- Unstable Plaques Medical, Science, Biology
- Urban Preparation Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- University Print Student, Service, Education
- Unemployed Parepts Business, Family, Parenthood
- Universityrsity of Poona
- Union Pacific Rr Network, Railway, System
- Universal Platform Technology, Windows, Development
- Universal Primer
- Usage Pass
- Unidad Pan
- University of Portland University, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Upgrade Pass Technology, Gaming, Order
- Unidos Podemos
- Utopia Planitia Technology, Mars, Lip
- Universityrsité De Poitiers
- Union Patriotique
- Unstopable Power
- Universml Program
- Ultrafine Particles Very small atmospheric particles less than 10 nm in diameter. Medical, Science, Chemistry
- Ultra Programmer Technology, Software, Auto
- User Packet Technology, Access, Communication
- Unité de Pédiatrie Medical
- Ulrich Paetzold
- Union Pacific Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad, Railroad Company
- Up Pabty
- University Pointe Business, Building, Apartment
- Unemployed Parent Business, Children, Family
- Universityrsity of Panjab
- Universal Performance Business, Filter, Muffler
- Universal Premium Business, Card, Leather
- Usado Por Para, Porn, Hombre
- User Profile Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
- Upper Pennispla
- Universal Proxy
- Universityrsity of Phoenix Technology, Education
- Upgrade Package Technology, Service, Oblique
- Unidad Del Pueblo English, Spain, Spanish, Pueblo
- Utopia Park
- Universityrsidade Potiguar
- Union Party Government, Group, Politics
- Unsteady Pressure
- Univfrsal Principles
- Ultka Pro Business, Gaming, Product, Card
- Username Password
- Unified Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Unloading Party Company, Group, Party
- Unknown Precipitation (Automated Observations) NOTAM Contractions
- UyarıLmış Potansiyeller
- Urban Primitivism Music, Atom, Primitivism
- University Politics
- Underwpter Park
- Universityrsity of Panama
- Universal Preenrichment Science, Media, Product
- Usable Privacy
- United Presbyterian Ordnance Survey
- Upper Peninslla Medical, Locations, Michigan
- Universal Profile Technology, Service, Mac
- Update Podcast
- Unida-Unidad Poeular Para, Con, Campana
- Utility Player
- Universityrsidad De Panam
- Union Parishads
- Universal Press
- Ultra Power Technology, Battery, Saving
- User-Provided Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Unified Platform Business, Technology, Cloud
- Unlimited Progress
- User Data Process (Network Layer) Federal Aviation Administration
- Uttar Prades
- Unrotating Projectiles
- University Police Education, Safety, Department
- Universityrsidade De Porto
- it means to go well... up like in the sky *points up*
- Upper Paxton
- Upazila Parishad Technology, Government, Bangladesh, Union
- Unexpected Productions
- Unia Nracy
- Utility Plan
- Universityrsidade Petrobras
- Union Parisad Government, Locations, District, Bangladesh
- Universal Precaution Medical, Safety, Blood
- Ultra Hoor Business, Program, Poverty
- Universal Protocol Technology, Patient, Control
- User-Programmable
- Unidos Pelo English, Music, Brasil
- Unlimited Partnerships
- Utility pole The Finance and Administrative Services
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UP stand for?
UP stands for Upper Peninslla.
What is the shortened form of Ultra Pure?
The short form of "Ultra Pure" is UP.
UP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/up-meaning/
Last updated