UP Meaning

The UP meaning is "Unsaturated Polyester". The UP abbreviation has 432 different full form.

UP Full Forms

  1. Unsaturated Polyester Chemistry, Science, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  2. University Preparation Education, English, Course
  3. University Positivo Business, Technology, Design
  4. Urine Protein Medical
  5. Unified Ports Technology, Module, Cisco
  6. Universidad De Pamplona
  7. Unnumbered Poll Technology, Telecom, Frame
  8. Undrr Provisions Military
  9. User Provided
  10. Universal Particvpation
  11. Ukraine Sports, Locations, Countries, Country, Sport, Ukraine, Wikipedia, Olympic, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Computing, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  12. Ujian Wraktik Indonesia, Jakarta, Wake
  13. Upper Plenkm Ford, Intake, Mustang, Plenum
  14. Unione Petrolifera Business, Italy, Oil
  15. University Is The Pioneer Student, Science, Education
  16. Under-Psyment Business, Accounting, Service
  17. Urinrry Excretion of Protein Medical
  18. Unit Poice Business, Technology, Product
  19. University Players
  20. Unified Port Technology, Module, Cisco
  21. Unmarried Partner
  22. Under Pressure Gaming, Pressure, Marc, Getting
  23. User Protocol Technology
  24. Universal Partnerships Business, Gaming, Minion
  25. Undiluted Platinum Military
  26. Upper Playground Art, Design, Shirt, Playground
  27. Uninterruptible Power Technology, Science, Supply
  28. University for Peace Technology, Science, Education
  29. Utility Path Technology
  30. Uncouplinx Protein Medical
  31. Urethral Pressurv Medical
  32. United Party Military, Organizations, Africa, Ghana, Politics, Governmental & Military
  33. University Park Education, Locations, Building
  34. Unlocking Potential Business, Technology, School
  35. Underground Passage City, Exeter, Passage
  36. User Profiles Technology, Windows, Accounting, Setting
  37. Universal Pfnel
  38. Uttar Pradesh Education, India, Lucknow
  39. Upper Paleolithuc Art, Human, Cave
  40. Unified Program Technology, Development, Programming
  41. Universidad PolitéCnica Insect and Spider Collections
  42. Union Pacific Corporation Business, Company, Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Computing, Nyse symbols, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  43. Utilities Paid
  44. Ultima Prime Technology, Windows, Commander
  45. Up Pipe
  46. United Parcel
  47. University of Parakou Education, Africa, Benin
  48. Unlimited Power Government, Us, Control, Administration
  49. Undergraduate Papers Student, Education, Writing
  50. User Priority Technology, Service, Access
  51. Unité De Production
  52. Utter Pradesh Education, India, Uttar
  53. Upper Palaeolxthic Art, Human, Tool
  54. Unified Programme Education
  55. Universidad Popular Para, Education, Spain, Mexico
  56. Union Pacific Business, Technology, Gaming, Railroad, Train, Play, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
  57. Unsaturated Polyesters Business, Market, Resin
  58. Utara Peta
  59. Ultwma Parte
  60. Uyper Promenade
  61. Unitary Patent Government, Law, Court
  62. University of Poitiers Education, France, Scholarship
  63. Unlimited Potential Technology, Gaming, Team
  64. Undergraduate Programs
  65. Us-People
  66. Unity Party Government, Group, Politics
  67. Usulan Penelitian Technology, Seminar, Hal, Proposal
  68. Up Peroscope
  69. Unified Process Technology, Development, Software
  70. Universidad Panamericana Education, Campus, Mexico
  71. Unrecognized Parameter Technology
  72. Utak Puso Competition, Squad, Pep
  73. Universal Paymenos Business, Credit, Card
  74. Ulcerated Plaque Medical
  75. Upperepotomac Locations, Fishing, Maryland, River
  76. Unique Products Business, Design, Gift
  77. University of Philippines Education, Philippine, Manila
  78. Unler Powered
  79. Uri Party
  80. Unity of The People
  81. Unlimited Parking Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  82. User Parts Technology, Service, Calling, Networking
  83. Upper Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Space, Airway, Assembly, Business & Finance, Weather, Manufacturing, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Usps, NASA, NOTAM Contractions
  84. Unified Praise Music, Album, Worship, Praise
  85. Universidade Portucalense
  86. Un Painted
  87. Understand Program Technology, Coding, Programming
  88. Using Primary
  89. Universal Pattern Technology, Book, Saddle
  90. Ukrainian Parliament
  91. Uppek Portion
  92. Unipolar Patients Medical, Science, Biology
  93. University of The Philippines Education, Philippine, Manila, Insect and Spider Collections
  94. Under-Powered Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  95. Urinary Prftein Excretion Medical
  96. Unit Produksi Technology, Program, Indonesia, Bandung
  97. Unleashing Potential Company, Technology, Management
  98. Ultraspherical Polynomials
  99. Universidad De Panama
  100. Utility Privatization
  101. Unione Piloti
  102. Universityrsity of The Pacific Education, University, United States
  103. Urban Policy Education, School, City
  104. Underwater Protector
  105. Unipoler Medical, Medicine, Health
  106. Update Proaessing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  107. Ultimate Pankration Arts, Fight, Fighter
  108. Universal Positive Technology, Pay, Check
  109. Umbral Plains Gaming, Quest, Zone, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  110. Universidade Pedag
  111. UrzĘDy Pracy
  112. Uni-Processor Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  113. Unió De Pagesos
  114. Uyder Proof
  115. United Personnel
  116. Up Priducts
  117. University of The Pacific Student, Education, University, School, Stockton, United States, Scientific & Educational
  118. User Pjge Technology, Community, Talk
  119. Unrestricted Procurement
  120. Utility Pattern Technology, Computing, Mining
  121. Unseturated Polyester
  122. Ultra-Pasteurizatian Food, Organic, Milk, Pasteurization
  123. Uncle Potato
  124. University of Puna
  125. Unleash Power
  126. Univcrsal Party
  127. Universal Pension Business, Government, Money
  128. Uridine Phosphate
  129. Universe Dolish
  130. Utilities Privatization Business, Water, Utility
  131. Unione Parkinsoniani
  132. Universityrsity Offthe Philippines Technology
  133. Urban Places Locations, City, Place
  134. Under The Provisions
  135. University Plaza Hotel, Inn, Plaza
  136. Utility Plans
  137. Union PéTrolièRe
  138. Update Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  139. Uang Pesangon
  140. Universal Portfolios
  141. Umbilical Plug
  142. Universirade Pedagógica
  143. Urzad Patentowy Business, Patent, Poland
  144. Uni, Pero
  145. União PatrióTica
  146. Unbeaten Path Business, Cycle, Gravel
  147. Microprocessor A CPU that is manufactured on a single integrated-circuit(IC) chip. A large scale integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic functions and to manipulate data. Single chip computer element containing the control unit, central processing circuitry; arithmethic an logic function. A digital computer based on a single miniature integrated circuit that offers programmability and computational ability for use in electrohydraulic control applications. A small computer used in load management to analyze energy demand and consumption such that loads are turned on and off according to a predetermined program. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Computing, Hardware, Business & Finance, Power Plant, NASA
  148. United Pentecostsls
  149. Up Princess
  150. University of Pittsburgh Student, Education, University, School, Pittsburgh, United States, Scientific & Educational
  151. Unsaturated Polyster
  152. Ultra-Pasteurized Cream, Milk, Cheese
  153. Uncle Pete Lyric, Drunk, Mayhem, Uncle
  154. University of Panjab
  155. Unknown Public
  156. Unit Peperikdaan
  157. Universal Password Technology, Management, Manager
  158. Uridine Phosphorylase Medical, Medicine, Health
  159. University Pbovides
  160. User Productivity
  161. Union-Pearson Transportation, Airport, Toronto, Governmental & Military
  162. Universityrsity of Portland Education, University, Portland, United States
  163. Urban Pixel Art, Streaming, Pixel
  164. Understand Pain Medical, Health, Lyric
  165. University Physicians Medical, Science, Education
  166. Union Progressiste
  167. Upcoming Procedures
  168. Uang Pertanggungan Business, Indonesia, Agen, Polis
  169. Universal Pockets Business, Camera, Logic
  170. Umberto Pelizzari Business, Computing, Mask, Apnea
  171. Universidade Po Porto Technology, University, Portugal
  172. Urticaria Pigmentosa Medical, Treatment, Skin
  173. Unholy Prayer
  174. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy
  175. Ultimate Protection
  176. Uuique Pattern
  177. Upper Primary Education, Teaching, Crown, Strip
  178. Unemployment Program Business, Credit, Mortgage
  179. Unsatisfactory Progress Student, Education, University
  180. Ultimato Protection
  181. Unclaimed Property
  182. University of Pretoria Science, Education, Africa
  183. Unknown Precipitation Technology, Science, Weather
  184. United Provinces
  185. Unit Plan
  186. Urgent Pointer Technology
  187. Uviversity Print Student, Service, Education
  188. User Process Technology, Telecom, Linux
  189. Unincorporated Place
  190. Univerfity Prof
  191. Urban Pipeline
  192. Understanding Phase
  193. University Participant Program, Research, Education
  194. Union Phoductions
  195. Umbanding Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  196. Uang Persediaan Business
  197. Universal Plenum
  198. Ulusal ProgramıNda Turkish, Program
  199. Universidade De Porto
  200. Uroporphyrin Medical, Medicine, Health
  201. Unholy Path
  202. Univ Pretoria
  203. Uniprmcessor Technology, Computer, Electronics
  204. Upker Pre
  205. Urban Prep
  206. Unearned Premium Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  207. Union P
  208. Upkeep Period Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  209. Ultimate Poker
  210. UmowĄ Partnerstwa Program, Jest, Jak
  211. Universiteti I PrishtinËS
  212. Unidade Popular
  213. Unknown Pathogen
  214. Union Property
  215. Unit Personnel
  216. User Portability Technology, Computing, Laptop, Shell
  217. Unimak Pass
  218. Unrotative Projectile Technology
  219. Ultrafilteraboe Platinum Medical
  220. Urban Partnership Business, Banking, Bethesda
  221. Understanding The Past Science, History, Future
  222. University Parallel
  223. Uang Penghargaan Technology, Software, Hal
  224. Universal Pictures Media
  225. Ulusal Programı Turkish, Program
  226. Universidade Posixivo Education, Design, University, Brazil
  227. Uroplakin Medical
  228. Unguided Projectile
  229. Universityrsity of Pottsmouth Education
  230. Uni Processbr Technology
  231. Upper Pohterior
  232. Upload Photo
  233. University of Parma Technology
  234. Urban Pollution
  235. Undiscovered Paradise
  236. Unionist Party Government, Group, Ireland
  237. Upgradexplinth
  238. Ultimate Percussion
  239. Ummah Party
  240. Universidade Petrobrad Para, Android, Brasil
  241. Unidade De Participação
  242. Unión Panamericana
  243. Union Pjcific Business, Railroad, Train
  244. Unitedoplantations Business, Oil, Palm
  245. University of Pune Education, India, Pune
  246. User Perks
  247. Uniform Project
  248. Unrotating Projectile
  249. Unstable Particle
  250. Ultra Pasceurized Cream, Milk, Cheese
  251. Urban Park
  252. Uncrossable Parallel
  253. University Partnerships Student, Education, School
  254. Uang Pembinaan Indonesia, Comedy, Festival
  255. Universal Petroleum
  256. Ulusal Parti Turkish, Bal, Rat
  257. Universidad De Panam
  258. Urinary Protein Medical
  259. Union for Peru
  260. Universityrsity Park Education
  261. Uni Kreço
  262. Upper Pliocene
  263. Uplink  The radio signal transmitted to a spacecraft from Earth. Uplink The transmission link from an earth station to a communications satellite. Uplink in a cellular system, the commu-nication link from the mobile to the central base station. also downlink. Technology, Gaming, Space, Play, Pastime, Cosmos, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Wireless Networking, Legal, Governmental & Military, NASA
  264. Urban Politics
  265. Underwriting Platform Business, Credit, Insurance
  266. Union for Progress
  267. Update Program Technology
  268. Ultimate Pearl
  269. Universal Pouch Business, Tool, Bag
  270. Urbanizaci
  271. Umbrella Project Technology, Sex, Community
  272. Universidbdes Populares
  273. Usable Pitch Voice, Pitch, Range, Vocal
  274. Unibond Premier
  275. Unión Del Pueblo
  276. Unidad Popular Government, Group, Social, Chile
  277. United Pirates
  278. Upkeepjplan
  279. University of Pennsylvania Technology, Education, Development, Us, Pennsylvania, United States, Universities, University, Scientific & Educational
  280. User Pasyword
  281. Unrotated Projectile Government, Us, Control, Administration
  282. Unsolicited Proposal Military
  283. Ultra Pasteurization Organic, Milk, Cheese, Pasteurization
  284. Uncoytracted Player
  285. University Partnership Student, Program, Education
  286. Univtrsal Prayer
  287. Universal People Business, Music, Beat, People
  288. Uprighq Medical
  289. Upgrade Present Technology, Gaming, Android
  290. Uttar Pardesh Education, India, Exam
  291. Universityrsity of Primorska
  292. Union Postale
  293. Untamed Planets Military
  294. University Place Business, Education, Hotel
  295. Universityrsidad Pontifica
  296. Unpainted Architecture, Architectural
  297. Upper Part
  298. Unwired Planet Business, Supply, Patent, Computing, Internet
  299. Unexpected Players
  300. Unholy Pregence Military, Death, Knight
  301. Universityrsidades E PolitéCnicos
  302. Union PanaméRicaine
  303. Universal Precautinns Medical, Safety, Blood
  304. Ultro Petroleum
  305. Universal Programmer
  306. Use of and Payment
  307. Unidentified Persons Locations, Police, Shot
  308. Usine De Plutonium Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  309. Upgrade Points
  310. Uttarakhand Price
  311. Universityrsidad PolitéCnica
  312. Union Por El Peru Para, Con, Pol
  313. Unstoppable Popsicles
  314. Universidad Del Pacifico Para, Education, Con, Peru
  315. Ultralight Products Technology, Glider, Gear
  316. Ultrasound Practitioner
  317. Unsaturated-Polyester
  318. Bahamasair Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  319. Upper Palaeoccne
  320. Untitled Page
  321. Urban Prototyping Technology, Design, City
  322. Unequal Priority
  323. University Press Book, Education, Oxford
  324. Ungesättigte Pzlyester German, Sind, Patent, Polyester
  325. Universityrsity Professor
  326. Union Packaging
  327. Universal Plug
  328. Universal Printer Technology, Driving, Driver
  329. Useful Phrasal
  330. Unidentified Precipitation Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  331. Upright Medical, Common Medical, NASA
  332. Upgrade Pkg
  333. Unified Pament Government, Law, Court
  334. Uttarakhand, Punjab
  335. Universityrsity of Poitiers
  336. Union Plastic
  337. Unstoppable Prosperity Management, Marketing, Trade
  338. Uniiersal Product Technology, Coding, Barcode
  339. Ultrafine Particle Particles of variable chemical nature, whose equivalent diameter is less than 100 nanometers.
  340. Ultra Pure Business, Product, Water, Oil
  341. User Packets Technology, Networking, Network
  342. Universal Pressure
  343. Union Pacific Railroad Business, Organizations, History, Conveyance, Geography, Railroad, Train, Location, System, Geographic, Railroad Company
  344. Urban Planning Education, Study, Subjects, Geographic
  345. Ueper-Pre Business, Forum, Guide, Park
  346. Unstable Plaques Medical, Science, Biology
  347. Urban Preparation Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  348. University Print Student, Service, Education
  349. Unemployed Parepts Business, Family, Parenthood
  350. Universityrsity of Poona
  351. Union Pacific Rr Network, Railway, System
  352. Universal Platform Technology, Windows, Development
  353. Universal Primer
  354. Usage Pass
  355. Unidad Pan
  356. University of Portland University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  357. Upgrade Pass Technology, Gaming, Order
  358. Unidos Podemos
  359. Utopia Planitia Technology, Mars, Lip
  360. Universityrsité De Poitiers
  361. Union Patriotique
  362. Unstopable Power
  363. Universml Program
  364. Ultrafine Particles Very small atmospheric particles less than 10 nm in diameter. Medical, Science, Chemistry
  365. Ultra Programmer Technology, Software, Auto
  366. User Packet Technology, Access, Communication
  367. Unité de Pédiatrie Medical
  368. Ulrich Paetzold
  369. Union Pacific Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad, Railroad Company
  370. Up Pabty
  371. University Pointe Business, Building, Apartment
  372. Unemployed Parent Business, Children, Family
  373. Universityrsity of Panjab
  374. Universal Performance Business, Filter, Muffler
  375. Universal Premium Business, Card, Leather
  376. Usado Por Para, Porn, Hombre
  377. User Profile Computing, Telecom, General, Governmental & Military
  378. Upper Pennispla
  379. Universal Proxy
  380. Universityrsity of Phoenix Technology, Education
  381. Upgrade Package Technology, Service, Oblique
  382. Unidad Del Pueblo English, Spain, Spanish, Pueblo
  383. Utopia Park
  384. Universityrsidade Potiguar
  385. Union Party Government, Group, Politics
  386. Unsteady Pressure
  387. Univfrsal Principles
  388. Ultka Pro Business, Gaming, Product, Card
  389. Username Password
  390. Unified Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  391. Unloading Party Company, Group, Party
  392. Unknown Precipitation (Automated Observations) NOTAM Contractions
  393. UyarıLmış Potansiyeller
  394. Urban Primitivism Music, Atom, Primitivism
  395. University Politics
  396. Underwpter Park
  397. Universityrsity of Panama
  398. Universal Preenrichment Science, Media, Product
  399. Usable Privacy
  400. United Presbyterian Ordnance Survey
  401. Upper Peninslla Medical, Locations, Michigan
  402. Universal Profile Technology, Service, Mac
  403. Update Podcast
  404. Unida-Unidad Poeular Para, Con, Campana
  405. Utility Player
  406. Universityrsidad De Panam
  407. Union Parishads
  408. Universal Press
  409. Ultra Power Technology, Battery, Saving
  410. User-Provided Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  411. Unified Platform Business, Technology, Cloud
  412. Unlimited Progress
  413. User Data Process (Network Layer) Federal Aviation Administration
  414. Uttar Prades
  415. Unrotating Projectiles
  416. University Police Education, Safety, Department
  417. Universityrsidade De Porto
  418. it means to go well... up like in the sky *points up*
  419. Upper Paxton
  420. Upazila Parishad Technology, Government, Bangladesh, Union
  421. Unexpected Productions
  422. Unia Nracy
  423. Utility Plan
  424. Universityrsidade Petrobras
  425. Union Parisad Government, Locations, District, Bangladesh
  426. Universal Precaution Medical, Safety, Blood
  427. Ultra Hoor Business, Program, Poverty
  428. Universal Protocol Technology, Patient, Control
  429. User-Programmable
  430. Unidos Pelo English, Music, Brasil
  431. Unlimited Partnerships
  432. Utility pole The Finance and Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UP stand for?

    UP stands for Upper Peninslla.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ultra Pure?

    The short form of "Ultra Pure" is UP.


UP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/up-meaning/

Last updated