UP in Technology Meaning

The UP meaning in Technology terms is "University Positivo". There are 71 related meanings of the UP Technology abbreviation.

UP on Technology Full Forms

  1. University Positivo
  2. Unrecognized Parameter
  3. Unified Process
  4. User Priority
  5. Unnumbered Poll
  6. Unified Ports
  7. Upper
  8. Universal Pattern
  9. Unlocking Potential
  10. Unified Port
  11. Unit Produksi
  12. Unlimited Potential
  13. Understand Program
  14. Unit Poice
  15. Union Pacific Corporation
  16. Utility Path
  17. Unleashing Potential
  18. Ultima Prime
  19. Uninterruptible Power
  20. Union Pacific
  21. User Protocol
  22. University for Peace
  23. Usulan Penelitian
  24. Unified Program
  25. User Profiles
  26. User Parts
  27. Update Processor
  28. User Pjge
  29. Uang Penghargaan
  30. Umbanding Module
  31. Unknown Precipitation
  32. Uni-Processor
  33. Urgent Pointer
  34. Universal Positive
  35. University of Pennsylvania
  36. Utility Pattern
  37. Universityrsity Offthe Philippines
  38. Umbrella Project
  39. Uplink  The radio signal transmitted to a spacecraft from Earth. Uplink The transmission link from an earth station to a communications satellite. Uplink in a cellular system, the commu-nication link from the mobile to the central base station. also downlink.
  40. Universal Password
  41. Unrotative Projectile
  42. Update Program
  43. Uniprmcessor
  44. User Process
  45. Universidade Po Porto
  46. Update Proaessing
  47. Uni Processbr
  48. University of Parma
  49. User Portability
  50. Microprocessor A CPU that is manufactured on a single integrated-circuit(IC) chip. A large scale integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic functions and to manipulate data. Single chip computer element containing the control unit, central processing circuitry; arithmethic an logic function. A digital computer based on a single miniature integrated circuit that offers programmability and computational ability for use in electrohydraulic control applications. A small computer used in load management to analyze energy demand and consumption such that loads are turned on and off according to a predetermined program.
  51. Unified Processor
  52. Universal Platform
  53. Universal Protocol
  54. Union Pacific Railroad Company
  55. Unified Platform
  56. Urban Prototyping
  57. Universal Printer
  58. Universityrsity of Phoenix
  59. Utopia Planitia
  60. User Packets
  61. Upgrade Present
  62. User Packet
  63. Upgrade Pass
  64. User-Provided
  65. Ultra Programmer
  66. Upgrade Package
  67. Ultra Power
  68. Upazila Parishad
  69. Uniiersal Product
  70. Universal Profile
  71. Ultralight Products

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UP stand for Technology?

    UP stands for Ultima Prime in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of User Protocol in Technology?

    The short form of "User Protocol" is UP for Technology.


UP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/up-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated