UPD Meaning

The UPD meaning is "University of The Philippines, Diliman". The UPD abbreviation has 83 different full form.

UPD Full Forms

  1. University of The Philippines, Diliman Education, Report, Philippine
  2. Uniparental Isodisomy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  3. Underpotential Deposition Medical, Chemistry, Study
  4. Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Business, Health, Bern, Muse
  5. Uniform Project Description
  6. University Police Dept
  7. Union of Patriotic Democrats
  8. Urban Planning and Development Technology, University, City
  9. Uganda Prisoners Department
  10. Universal Print Drivers
  11. Undebwater Propulsion Device Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  12. University Police Department Military, Education, Campus, Mississippi
  13. Union for The Public Domain Technology, Property, Tool, Unions, Governmental & Military
  14. Urban Planniag & Design
  15. Universal Print Driver Technology, Driving, Printer
  16. Up to Date UpToDate (often stylized as UpToDate) is a web-based clinical decision support resource that provides evidence-based information on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various medical conditions. It is designed to assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions and providing high-quality care to their patients. UpToDate is a subscription-based service that provides healthcare professionals with access to comprehensive and regularly updated clinical content, including reviews of current literature, clinical practice guidelines, and expert commentary. The content covers a wide range of medical specialties, including internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, neurology, and many others. Medical, Technology, Information, Network, Neurology, Women
  17. User Paramster Datei
  18. Undergraduate Program Director
  19. University of Philippines, Diliman
  20. Union for Peace and Democracy Government, Group, Burundi, Opposition
  21. Urbanhplanning and Design Education, University, City
  22. Univeral Print Driver
  23. Update Either short for update information or, as a verb, applying the update mechanism. See also official updates. Technology, America, Aviation, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA
  24. Userparfmeterdaten Technology
  25. Under Potential Deposition
  26. Universal Printer Drivers Technology, Windows, Driving
  27. Union for Peace and Development Government, Burundi, Leader, Opposition
  28. Urban Planned Development
  29. Unit Pressure Drop Science
  30. Unión Progreso Y Democracia Para, Con, Pol
  31. Union Pour La Paix Et La Democratie
  32. Urinary Production Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  33. Under-Potential Deposition
  34. Universal Printer Driver Technology, Windows, Driving
  35. Union, Progress and Democracy
  36. Universityrsity Police Department Law Enforcement, Mississippi, City Agency
  37. Unit Power Density Technology, Light, Lighting
  38. Unión, Progreso Y Democracia Para, Con, Pol
  39. Union Police Department Government, Law Enforcement, City Agency, Oregon, Mississippi, Governmental & Military
  40. Urban Policv Development
  41. Unanzmous Public Disorder Government, Politics, Policy
  42. Universal Peek Device Business, Magic, Trick
  43. Unilateral Price Determination Business
  44. University Professional Development
  45. Unit Pengisian Diesel
  46. Union Pacific Depot
  47. Urban Poetry Dance
  48. Ukiah Police Department
  49. Universal Printing Driver Technology, Driving, Printer
  50. Urbandale Police Department Iowa
  51. Unit Pay Differential
  52. Utica Police Dlpartment Government, Man, City Agency
  53. Ulster Police Department New York, City Agency, Governmental & Military
  54. United Pacific Distributors
  55. Usea Performance Data Science
  56. Urbana Police Department Illinois
  57. Unit for The Promotion of Democracy America, Government, Organizations
  58. Utah Prairie Yog Locations, Canyon, Utah
  59. Update information Computing, File Extensions
  60. Uniparental Paternal Disomy Medical, Science, Biology
  61. Utica Police Department Michigan, Indiana, New York, Illinois
  62. Unit for Promotion of Democracy
  63. Utah Policy Daily
  64. United Pacific Designs
  65. Uniparental Disomy Medical, Medicine, Doctors, Common Medical
  66. Upland Police Department California
  67. United Products Distributors
  68. Utah Policc Department
  69. Program Update Information Computing, File Extensions
  70. Uniaxial Plastic Deformatinn
  71. Unanimous Public Disorder Politics, Governmental & Military
  72. United Priority Distributors Distributor, Urn, Cremation
  73. Usulan Prioritas Desa Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
  74. University-Paid Disability Medical, Common Medical
  75. Utility Programs for Draijage
  76. Unified Police Department Police, Governmental & Military
  77. United Pharmaceutical Distributors
  78. User Profile Disk Technology, Windows, Server
  79. Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (Organization of American States) United Nations
  80. Utilidade Pública Dysportiva
  81. Underwater Propulsion Device Military, Governmental & Military
  82. United Paint Distributors
  83. User Profile Diskr Technology, Windows, Server

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UPD stand for?

    UPD stands for Univeral Print Driver.

  2. What is the shortened form of Usulan Prioritas Desa?

    The short form of "Usulan Prioritas Desa" is UPD.


UPD. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 6). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/upd-meaning/

Last updated