UPG Meaning

The UPG meaning is "Ulusal Platformlar G". The UPG abbreviation has 57 different full form.

UPG Full Forms

  1. Ulusal Platformlar G
  2. Ulusal Platformlar GüC
  3. Universal Power Group Business, Product, Battery
  4. Umpqua Professional Guide
  5. Unverified Personal Gnosis Experience, Pagan, Heathen, Medical, Physiology
  6. Unitedxpropane Gas
  7. Unión Do Pobo Galego
  8. Univeysidad Pedro De Gante
  9. Ufficio Prevenzione Generale
  10. Unverifiable Personal Gnosis Religion, Pagan, Heathen
  11. United Plate Glass
  12. Unión Del Pueblo Gallego
  13. Uttar Pradesh Government
  14. Unsubstantiated Personal Gnosis Religion, Experience, Pagan
  15. Unification Planning Group Organizations
  16. Universidad Polit
  17. Universal Program Generator
  18. Unreached People Group Church, Mission, People, Media
  19. Unreached People Groups Organizations, Church, Mission
  20. Unemployed Philosophers Guild
  21. Upgrade Business, Technology, Management, Aviation, Guide, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  22. Universal Power Grp
  23. University of Pittsburgh At Greensburg College, Education, Pittsburgh
  24. Unlimited Potential Group Microsoft, Technology, Learning
  25. Unclassified Personnel Guideline
  26. Utilities, Power and Gas
  27. Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar, Indonesia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  28. Universalipost Generator
  29. Universidad PolitéCnica De Guanajuato
  30. Unión PatrióTica Guatemalteca
  31. Unclassified Personnel Guidelines Government, Us, Control, Administration
  32. Upgrade Team Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Universal Payment Gateway Business, Accounting, Service
  34. Unión Do Povo Galego Para, Con, Galicia
  35. Universitatex Petrol Gaze
  36. University Physictans Group Medical, Medicine, Care
  37. Unites Paints Group
  38. Hasanuddin International, Ujung Pandang-Celebes Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  39. University Physician Group Medical, Business, Medicine
  40. L'union Durpeuple Gabonais Government, Union, Gabon, Bongo
  41. Union Pour Le ProgrèS De La GuinéE Dor, Jean, Alpha
  42. Ustraindo Petro Gas
  43. Universityupeer Group
  44. Utility Products Grouy
  45. União Do Povo Galego
  46. Usha Pravin Gandhi
  47. University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
  48. Utiliti Power Group
  49. Universityrsity of Pittsburgh At Greenburg Education
  50. User Profile Gateway
  51. Universite of Pittsburgh Greensburg
  52. Universityrsity of Pittsburgh At Greensburg Education
  53. Universityrsity Peer Group
  54. Universitatea Petrol-Gaze
  55. University Predicted Grade College, Education, Philippine
  56. Universal Proeision Group
  57. Upgrade File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UPG stand for?

    UPG stands for University Physictans Group.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unión Del Pueblo Gallego?

    The short form of "Unión Del Pueblo Gallego" is UPG.


UPG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/upg-meaning/

Last updated