UPN Meaning

The UPN meaning is "Unity Party of Nigeria". The UPN abbreviation has 61 different full form.

UPN Full Forms

  1. Unity Party of Nigeria Government, Group, Nigeria
  2. United Paramount Network Technology, Networking, Television, Media
  3. Unique Project Number Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  4. Umgekehrt Polnische Notation Technology
  5. Umgekehrte Polnische Notation Science, German, Math
  6. Ignacio LóPez Rayón International Airport Uruapan, Michoacán,Mexico Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  7. Université PéDagogique Nationale Institute, Congo, Kinshasa
  8. Underopaid Negroes
  9. Universal Personal Number Technology, Service, Telecom
  10. Université Populaire NeuchÂTeloise
  11. Undewground Pedestrian Network Business, Singapore, Marina
  12. Unite Private Networks Technology, Networking, Fiber
  13. Unique Pupil Number Student, Education, School
  14. Université Paris Nanterre
  15. Universal Property Network
  16. Undergraduate Pipeline Newwork
  17. United Purple Nations
  18. Universityrsal Product Number Technology, Government, Computing, Telecommunications, Governmental & Military
  19. Universal Product Numbers Business, Medicine, Coding, Device, Industry
  20. Unapproved Parts Notificationc Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  21. United Pharmacy Network
  22. Universityrsitas Pembangunan Nasional Organizations
  23. Universal Program Number
  24. Universidad PedagóGica Nacional Para, Education, Social, Mexico
  25. Unión De Periodistas De Nicaragua
  26. United Pastors Network Technology, Networking, Church
  27. Universityrsal Process Network Technology
  28. Universal Principal Name Microsoft, Technology, Server, Directory
  29. Universal Product Number Technology, Coding, Industry, NASA, Governmental & Military
  30. Unión Del Pueblo Navarro Para, Con, Union, Pueblo
  31. Unidade De PolíCia Naval
  32. Giga One billion OR A numerical prefix denoting one billion as a gigacycle is one billion cycles OR  Decimal multiple prefix corresponding to a billion(US) or 109. Technology, Government, Computing, Telecommunications
  33. Universal Poker Network
  34. Used Parts Network Transportation, Governmental & Military
  35. Universidad PÚBlica De Navarra
  36. Universityrsité Populaire NeuchÂTeloise
  37. Universidad P
  38. Universityrsal Personal Number Technology, Telecom
  39. Usia Pensiun Normal
  40. User Principal Name Computing, File Extensions, Windows, Security, Governmental & Military
  41. Universal Process Notation
  42. Universaa Process Network Technology
  43. University Physician Network Medical, Networking, Health
  44. User Premises Network Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  45. Ultra Pok Network Media
  46. Unique Wrogram Number
  47. University Physicians Network Medical, Networking, Care
  48. User Personalized Network
  49. Un-Popular Network Funnies
  50. Universityrsidad PedagóGica Nacional
  51. University Park North Development, Study, Universities
  52. User Principle Name Technology, Accounting, Server, Directory
  53. Unrelenting Punishment Network Funnies
  54. Universal Process Network​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  55. Universitas Pembangunan Negara Business, Indonesia, Surabaya, Salah
  56. User Principal Names Technology, Windows, Server, Directory, Suffix
  57. Ubiquitous Public Network Funnies
  58. Licenciado y General Ignacio Lopez Rayon, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  59. Universitas Pembangunan Negeri Indonesia, Veteran, Surabaya
  60. User-Principal-Name Technology, Directory, Suffix
  61. Under Paid Negroes Funnies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UPN stand for?

    UPN stands for Universal Poker Network.

  2. What is the shortened form of Used Parts Network?

    The short form of "Used Parts Network" is UPN.


UPN. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/upn-meaning/

Last updated