UPO Meaning

The UPO meaning is "Universidad Pabli Olavide". The UPO abbreviation has 36 different full form.

UPO Full Forms

  1. Universidad Pabli Olavide
  2. Unit Personnelnofficer Military
  3. Università Del Piemonte Orientale Science, Con, Dal, Novara
  4. Undergraduatexprogram Office
  5. Uniformed Police Offqcers
  6. Universityrsity Properties Office Organizations
  7. Ucar Projects Office Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  8. Unixentified Political Object
  9. Unqversal Peace Organization
  10. Uraędowego Potwierdzenia Odbioru
  11. Unstable Periodic Orbits
  12. Unibet Poker Opjn
  13. Units Per Order
  14. Unstable Periodic Orbit Medical, Technology, Control
  15. Undistorted Power Output
  16. Unit Project Officer
  17. Unpriced Purchase Order
  18. Underground Parking Only Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  19. Unit Pertambangan Ombilin
  20. Unnai Pol Oruvan
  21. Undergraduate Programs Office Education, Development, Universities
  22. Urzdowe Powiadczenie Odbioru
  23. Universityrsity Programmins Office Education
  24. Union Philharmonic Orchestra Unions, Governmental & Military
  25. Ural Philharmonic Orchestra Business, Russia, Russian
  26. Unified Proposal Outline
  27. Union Pharmaceutique d'Orient Unions, Governmental & Military
  28. Updated Path Ordering
  29. Utilities Program Office Science
  30. Uni- Processor Order General, Governmental & Military
  31. UrzĘDowe Potwierdzenie Odbioru
  32. Compiled update data (dBASE) Computing, File Extensions
  33. UrzĘDowe PośWiadczenie Odbioru Technology, Program, Internet
  34. Ultra Pure Overflow Music
  35. UrzĘDowego PośWiadczenia Odbioru Technology, Program, Internet, Jest
  36. Unary Painter Operator Assembly, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UPO stand for?

    UPO stands for UrzĘDowe Potwierdzenie Odbioru.

  2. What is the shortened form of Unary Painter Operator?

    The short form of "Unary Painter Operator" is UPO.


UPO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/upo-meaning/

Last updated