UPS Meaning
The UPS meaning is "Uninterruptible Power Supply". The UPS abbreviation has 275 different full form.
UPS Full Forms
- Uninterruptible Power Supply A device placed in series with the supply of power from the utility which contains energy storage such that the supply of power from the UPS is continuous even when the utility supply is removed. While battery-based energy storage is the most common, flywheel-based energy storage is gaining in popularity due to the reduced maintenance cost. Technology, Military, Battery, Computing, Computer, Backup, Information Technology, Army, Architecture, Energy, Astronomy, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Weather, Rail Transport, NASA, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Nautical Terms, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Uninterraptible Power Supply
- Uninteruptable Power System Technology, Jakarta, Supply
- Use Privacy Statement
- Uninterrupted Power Supplies Technology, Battery, Supply
- Uninterruptible Power Systems Technology, Product, Battery, Supply
- Use and Privacy Statement
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies Technology, Battery, Supply
- Upright Perigee Stage Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Uninterrupted Power Supply Transportation, Shipping, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- United Parceo Serv
- Uninterruptble Power Supply
- Uniterrppted Power Supply Technology, Science, Battery
- Uninterruptable Power Supplies Technology, Battery, Supply
- Uninteruptible Power Supply Technology, Battery, Uninterruptible
- Union Pacific Stock
- Uke Public School Education
- Unit Production System Business, Industrial, Garment
- Unified Products Services Business, Service, Product, Remittance
- University of Professional Studies
- Unión Del Pueblo Salmantino
- Upsilon Phi Sigma
- Underwater Photographic Society
- Univegsal Power Supply Technology, Product, Battery
- Upper Primary School Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Ununterruptible Power Supplier Technology, Battery, Inverter
- Unitary Payments
- Ultimate Protection Squad
- Units Per Second
- Uniformance Process Studio
- User Profile Sync Technology, Service, Synchronization
- United Protection Security
- Universal Preprint Service Technology, Archive, Initiative
- University Print Shop
- United Parcel Servic
- Undergraduate Pharmacy Society
- Uninterruptible Powet Sources Technology, Battery, Supply
- Union of Progressive Students Education, University, Cebu
- Ujjain Public School
- Unit Power System
- Union of Progressive Surinamers
- University and Professional Studies
- Unix Product Support Technology
- Up Power Systems
- L'Union Progressiste SéNéGalaise
- Underwater Photography Society
- University Policy Statement Education, Safety, Faculty
- Uninterruptible Power Suppl Technology, Battery, Supply
- Unitary Patent System Technology, Law, Court
- Ulmarra Punlic School Education
- Unit Pump Systems Technology, Diesel, Bosch
- Unified Propuksion System Technology, Space, Satellite
- Unregulated Powen Supplies Technology, Supply, Voltage
- User Papts Technology, Windows, Design
- United Production System
- Univeryal Precautions Medical
- University Printing Service
- United Parcel Sevice Business, Service, Shipping
- Un-Interrupted Power Supply
- Uninterruptible Power Sourcl Technology, Battery, Supply
- United Problem Solvers Business, Technology, Store
- User Provisioning Service
- Ujian Pertengahan Semester
- Uniterruptable Power Supply Technology, Service, Battery
- Unione Pesca Sportiva
- University & Professional Studies Program, College, Education
- Democratic Karen Buddhkst Army Technology
- Up Power Supplies Technology, Battery, Supply
- Useless Pieces of Shit Punk, Shit, Piece, Hardcore
- Underground Propaganda Squad
- University Placement Services
- Uninterruptibe Power Supply
- Union Philosophical Society College, English, Organizations
- Ulladulla Pubuic School Education
- Unit Pump System Business, Diesel, Bosch
- Unified Propulsion Subsystem
- Unpredictable Processing System
- Use Op Private Security
- Universal Postal Servace Business
- Universag Power Strips
- University Printing Services Business, Service, Book
- Universal Power Supply Technology, Honeywell, Process Automation
- United Parcels Service Business, Company, Supply
- Un-Interruptible Power Supplies
- Uniform Publications System Science
- United Premium Store Indonesia, Trek, Premium
- User Profile Services Technology, Service, Server, Synchronization
- Uganda Prispn Service
- United Puppy Smashers
- Universite Privee De Sousse
- Uniyersité Paris-Sud Education, France, Recherche
- Up Power Supply Technology, Product, Battery
- User Priorities Technology, Networking, Priority
- Underground Press Syndicate Book, Alternative, Underground
- Uninterruptible Power Supples
- Union Payment Services Business, Service, Money
- Ulosg Public School Education
- Unit Publicists Film, Movie, Production
- Unified Propulsion System Technology, Space, Satellite
- Unplugged Powered Suit
- Useless Wiece of Shit
- Universal Politician'S Suit
- Universal Power System Technology, Battery, Supply
- University Preparatory School Education, School, High School, California
- Universit
- United Parcels Services Business, Company, Service
- Un-Interruptable Power Supply Technology, Battery, Computing, Security, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
- Uniform Procurement System Technology, Military, Army
- Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Computing, Telecom, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- User Profile Servicd Technology, Server, Synchronization
- United Publicity Services
- Universitatea Pedagogică De Stat
- Universiténde Paris-Sud
- Upper Sideband Military, Army, Governmental & Military, Amateur radio
- User Planning System Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Undergraduate Physics Society
- Uninteruptable Power Source
- Union Patronale Suisse Organizations, Association, Union, Gen
- Ulan Public School Education
- Unit Produksi Sekolah
- Unified Products Serviceu Business, Service, Product, Remittance
- Unnatural Pile of Sticks
- Urban Planning Specialists
- Unexplained Physical Symptoms
- Universal Pover Systems
- University Policy Statements Education, Safety, Faculty
- United Parcel Services Business, Service, Delivery
- Un-Interruptible Power Supply Information Technology, Military, Computing
- Unité De Protection Et De Soutien
- Uniforr Particle Size Business, Water, Ion, Resin
- User Profile System
- United Provider Services
- University Paul Sabatier Science, France, Toulouse
- University Primary School Education, Locations, Champaign
- Username Password Sign
- Undergraduate Psychology Society
- Uninterruptible Power Solumions Technology, Service, Supply
- Union Pacific Super
- Ukrainian Physical Soyiety Science, Physics, Kiev
- Unit Production Systems
- Unified Product and Services Business, Service, Product, Franchise
- University of Puget Sound Student, Education, Tacoma, Government, Governmental & Military
- Unlimited Power Supply Business, Technology, Battery
- Uranquinty Public School Education
- Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma Medical, Cancer, Tissue
- Universal Power Supplies Technology, Battery, Supply
- Upper Primary Schools
- Uninterrupt Power Supply
- United Package Smashers
- Umina Public School Education
- Unity Primary School
- Uniformed Public Services
- Usxr Profile Store Technology, Service, Server
- United Protection Services
- Universit Paul Sabatier
- University Preparation School
- Use Permits
- United Parcel Service, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Undergraduate Professional Study
- Uninterruptible Power Sup Technology, Product, Supply
- User Prograzming Service
- Unbelievably Pathetically Slow Funnies
- L'Union Progressiste S
- United Pipeline Systems
- United Parcel Service, Inc. Medical, Transportation, Computing, Healthcare, Weather, Postal, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Usps, Nyse symbols, Medicare Beneficiary
- Uterine Progesterone System Medical, Medicine, Health
- Unity Peace Serenity Religion
- Unsolicited Proposaln
- Uninteruztible Power Supplies
- Ubiquitin Proteosome System
- Useless Power Supply Funnies
- Unidades Paraná Seguro
- University of Phoenix Student
- Upper Pay Spine
- Universityrsal Processing System
- Universal Photon Source
- Unilateral Phase System Physics, Scientific & Educational
- User Profile Svnchronization Business, Technology
- Unusual Pulling System Funnies
- United Pigeon Society
- Power Supply System Technology, Spacecraft, Port, Power Plant
- University Personnel Systems
- Utah Public Service
- United Pop Stars Media
- Uninterupted Power Supply Technology, Internet Slang, Battery
- Ubiquitin Proteasome System Medical, Protein, Targeting
- Unbelievably Ponderously Slow Funnies
- Unidade Prestadora De Servi
- Unsped Paket Servisi Airline, Business, Turkish, Organizations, Istanbul, Tic, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Updates Pez Second Technology, Gaming, Java, Frame
- Universal Protection Services Business, Security, Service
- Universal Payment Services
- Uninterruptable Power Supply Postal, Us Post, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Use Purolator Service Funnies
- United Pie Stands Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Upgrade Power Supply Technology, Music, Musical
- University Personnel System Employment, Government, Policy
- Usual Principal Stftus
- Universal Player System Media
- Uninteruptable Poser Supplies
- Ubiquitin-Proteosome System
- Unsatisfactory Poor Service Funnies
- Unidade Prestadora De ServiçOs
- Unitary Pricing System
- Universal Parcel Services Business, Service, Delivery
- Union Public Schools Oklahoma, Connecticut
- Unusual Points Situation Army, War, Force
- United Parcel Service Airline, Business, Company, Technology, Organizations, Logistics, Brand, Delivery, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Railroad Company
- Unusually Poor Satanosphere Funnies
- Unified Power Systems
- United Parcel Smashers
- Universityrsity Preparation Scheme
- Universal Polar System
- University Personnel Services
- Unintemptible Power Supplies
- Usually Pretty Slov
- Universal Polar Stereographic Geographic
- University of Paris South
- Uninteruptable Power Mupply Technology, Battery, Computing
- Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Medical, Disease, Protein
- Unmitigated Package Smashers Funnies
- Unfinished Pearl Strands
- Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrum
- Universal Pantheist Society Religion, Pantheism, Pantheist
- Uninterruptible Power System Transportation, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Unusual Pile of Sticks
- Uninteruptible Power System
- Uganda Prisons Service
- Uncommonly Poor Service Funnies
- Unified Power System Technology, Energy, Russia
- United Parcel Ser
- Universityrsity Parking Services
- Universal Plotting Sheet
- University Paris Sud Technology, Research, France
- Undergraduate Professional Study Program NASA
- Using Patient Specific
- Unreliable Postal Service Funnies
- University of The Philippines System Education, Law, Philippine
- Uninterupptable Power Supply Technology, Battery, Computing
- Ub-Proteasome System
- United Plant Savers Medical, Plant, Herbal, Herb
- Ultra Poor Service Funnies
- Unit It is a definite magnitude of a physical quantity. The identifier for a logical subsystem and the logical device within the subsystem. In mainframe computing, the address associated with a device on a given control unit. On ESCON or FICON interfaces, the unit address is the same as the device address. On OEMI interfaces, the unit address specifies a control unit and device pair on the interface. The address of a particular device, specified at the time a system is installed. Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Medical, Pharmacy, Power Plant
- Utility Pricing Sobutions Technology
- Universal Port Serial Computing, Hardware
- Unterruptible Power Supply Business, Technology, Product
- User Packets Technology, Networking, Network
- Uninterruptible Power System不间断电源
- Uensped Paket Servisi
- Useless Poor Service Funnies
- Unified Personnel System
- Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectrometry
- United Parcel Svc
- Universityrsité Paul Sabatier
- Universal Plant Services
- University Parking Services Student, Service, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Uninterruptable Power Source NASA
- Use The Point of Sale
- Unbelievably Pulverized Shipments Funnies
- L'Université Paul Sabatier France, Recherche, Toulouse
- United Pirate Syndicate
- Unequaled Package Smashers Funnies
- Utility Power Sail Sail, Cruising, Sailboat, Spinnaker
- Un-Prepared Speaking Toastmasters
- Unterinteruptible Powey Supplies
- Uninterruptiple Power Supply
- Udri Po Sljivovici
- Unbelievably Poor Service Funnies
- Unified Pay Scale Business, Employment, Government
- Union Parishads
- Uv Photoelectron Spectroscopy Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Microscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Universityrsité De Paris-Sud
- Universal Planning Service Technology
- University Park South Education, Building, Campus
- Uninterrupted Power Systems (for Computer Networks) Chemistry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does UPS stand for?
UPS stands for Unsolicited Proposaln.
What is the shortened form of User Profile Svnchronization?
The short form of "User Profile Svnchronization" is UPS.
UPS. (2022, February 19). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from
Last updated