UR Meaning

The UR meaning is "Ultimate Revards". The UR abbreviation has 252 different full form.

UR Full Forms

  1. Ultimate Revards Business, Travel, Reward
  2. Youo Texting, Communication, Telecom
  3. University of Rwanda Science, Education, Rwanda
  4. Ultimate Recovery Technology, Windows, Oil
  5. Upper Right Technology, Dental, Corner, Medical, Physiology
  6. Useful Result Medical
  7. Understanding Risk Business, Trading, Disaster
  8. University of Reading Education, Sport, Event, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  9. Ultimate Receiver
  10. Upper Rhenish
  11. Under Run
  12. Usage Rules Technology, Gaming, English
  13. Universitat Rostock
  14. Ultimrte Rare Business, Gaming, Trading, Card
  15. Upper Respiratory Medical, Medicine, Health, Physiology
  16. Underground Racing Racing, Twin, Turbo
  17. Usage Rights Forum, Technology, Windows
  18. Universidad Regiomontana Technology, Mexico, Monterrey
  19. Ultimate Ricing Technology, Gaming, Exhaust
  20. Upper Region Technology, War, Craft, Cheat
  21. Underground Railroad Government, Us, Control, Administration
  22. Upstream Router Technology, Networking, Network
  23. Universidad De La RepÚBlica Para, Education, Con, Uruguay
  24. Ukrainian Register Airline, Aircraft, Ukraine
  25. Upper Range
  26. University Relations Science, Education, Office
  27. Underground Resistance Music, Underground, Techno
  28. Up Right Products
  29. Use Restriction
  30. Universidad Del Rosario University, Colombia, Conservation
  31. Urologist A physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary organs in females and the urinary and sex organs in males. Medical, Medicine, Health, Occupation, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  32. Upon Request
  33. University of Rouen
  34. Ultra-Rapid
  35. Up Relief
  36. User'S Reference
  37. Universal Robot Technology, Industrial, Robotics
  38. Unearned Runs Technology, Gaming, Baseball, Sport
  39. Upon Registration Forum, Technology, Education
  40. Uitvoerende Raad
  41. Unlock Register Technology, Coding, Software, Serial
  42. Undo Retention Technology, Management, Database, Segment
  43. Ubea Medical, Medicine, Health
  44. Unit Resjlution
  45. Ultra-Rare
  46. Upkime Ratio
  47. Unified Russia
  48. User Role
  49. Urine The liquid waste filtered from the blood by the kidney and stored in the bladder pending elimination through the urethra. Technology, Space, Cosmos, Medical, Dental, Physiology, Common Medical, NASA
  50. Unsulfonated Residue
  51. Unholy Resistance
  52. University of Ryukyus
  53. Universityrsity of Richmond Education, University, United States
  54. Umjetnost RijeČI
  55. Urban Reqolve
  56. Union De Recouvrement
  57. Upland Rice Ecosystem Technology, Organizations
  58. University Record
  59. Uintah Railroad
  60. Univ of Rochester Student, Technology, University
  61. Undie Run
  62. Urdu Regional Language codes (2 letters)
  63. United Records
  64. Ultimus Romanorum
  65. Uptake Rxtios Medical
  66. Unified Requirement
  67. User Restrictions Technology, Windows, Access
  68. University of Richmond Technology, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  69. Ulanen Regiment
  70. Unsubscribe Rate Business, Marketing, Blogger, Tips
  71. Your Internet Slang, Genealogy, Genealogical, Radio, Computing, Texting, Telecom, Modern Slang, Morse Code, Sms, Game, Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Wannas, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  72. Ungarische Revue
  73. University of Regensburg Research, Education, Germany
  74. Universityrsity of Redlands Education
  75. Ultra Rice
  76. Uranium A white malleable metal which is softer than steel. Its specific gravity is 18.7, it melts at a temperature of 2,400°C. Symbol:"U" Atomic Number:"92" Atomic Mass: 238.03amu. Uranium is one of the elements in the actinide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. A very radioactive metal that can be found in nuclear facilities, weapons, and submarines. Management, Forestry, Arboriculture, Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  77. Unintentional Racism
  78. Update Rollup Microsoft, Technology, Server
  79. University Ready
  80. Uhlan Regiment
  81. Université De Rouen Technology, Science, Recherche
  82. Under Medical
  83. Urban Rush
  84. United Railway
  85. Ultimate Ride
  86. Uruguay Round The round of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT that commenced in 1986 and was completed in 1994 with the creation of the WTO. In addition it broke new ground by negotiating over agriculture, textiles and apparel, services, and intellectual property. Business, Trading, Uruguay, Food
  87. User Response
  88. Ulanen-Regiment
  89. Unpublished Report
  90. Unfunded Requirement Technology, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  91. University of Rangoon
  92. Universityrsal Rectifier Science
  93. Ultrared Technology, Telecom
  94. Uranaffin Rwaction Medical
  95. Unik Records
  96. Update Recalls Government, Us, Control, Administration
  97. University of Roorkee
  98. University Reporter
  99. Uganda Railway
  100. Université De Rennes
  101. Unconventional Resources Hydrocarbon from unconventional and more difficult to produce resources such as (hydrocarbon) shale gas, shale oil, heavy and viscous oil, hydrates, tight gas, etc. Technology, Oil, Gas
  102. Urban Runocf
  103. Uyit
  104. Ultimate Reward Business, Travel, Card
  105. Uruguay-Runde
  106. Usage Record Technology, Service, Software
  107. Ukreplennyi Raion
  108. Unorthodox Racing
  109. Unforgotten Realms
  110. Universal Resin Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  111. Uptakecratio Medical
  112. Ultracompact Rkactor
  113. Ural Riqer
  114. Uniform Resource Technology, Android, Identifier
  115. Update Rate Forum, Technology, Gaming
  116. University Register Education, India, Pakistan
  117. Udmurt Republic Russia, Map, Russian, Republic
  118. Université De Reims
  119. Unconditional Response Science, Learning, Memory, Conditioning
  120. Urvan Road Technology, Farm, Market
  121. Unitatis Reintegratio
  122. Ursulines of The Roman
  123. Usage Rating
  124. Ukrainische Rundschau
  125. Unoccupied Repeat Medical, Science, Biology
  126. Unfinanced Requirement Military
  127. Urethane Resin Technology, Product, Coating
  128. Unit Rnsulting
  129. Upstage Bight Stage, Drama, Direction
  130. Ultra Rares
  131. Ur'q Royal
  132. Uniform Ranks Military, History, Order, Knight
  133. Up-Right
  134. University of Rostock
  135. Universityrsal Recommended Military
  136. Uncommitted Read Technology
  137. Urban Revitalization
  138. Unitatis Redintegratio
  139. Upper-Right Technology, Gaming, Dental
  140. Urology Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Physiology, Common Medical
  141. Usage Rate Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  142. Ukraine, Republic
  143. Unnecessary Roughness
  144. Unearned Revenue Unearned revenue is the revenue received before it is actually earned. Business, Accounting, Expense
  145. Urethyne Medical
  146. Unih Resource
  147. Ultra Racing Business, Brace, Strut
  148. Uptown Riders
  149. Uniform Rank Military, Knight, Sword
  150. User Room Technology
  151. Unsupported Request Technology, Security, Device, Vulnerability
  152. University of Rochester Education, Development, Universities, University, United States, Scientific & Educational, Academia
  153. Unidad De Red
  154. University of RzeszóW Science, Education, Poland
  155. Universityrsity Relations Science
  156. Uncbe Rex
  157. Urban Resort
  158. Union for The Republic
  159. Upon Receipt Business, Accounting, Customer
  160. Usable Range Forum, Technology, Manual
  161. Universityrsity Research
  162. University Recruitment
  163. Universiteitsraad Dutch
  164. Upper River
  165. Ulster Railway Ireland, Locations, Gauge
  166. Union Railroad Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  167. Uridine Uridine is a glycosylated pyrimidine-analog containing uracil attached to a ribose ring via a β-N1-glycosidic bond. Medical, Medicine, Genetics, Health, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  168. Unselected Row Technology, Programming, Cell
  169. Utilization Ratio
  170. Universityrsity of Rajshahi
  171. Un Reliable Occupation & positions
  172. Ultimate Reef
  173. Unidad Responsable
  174. Urine Resistant
  175. Upland Range
  176. Universityrsiay of Ryukyus
  177. You Are Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  178. Upper Remove
  179. University Registrar
  180. Uriarra Medical
  181. Unlimited Rights
  182. Unsatisfactory Report NASA
  183. Universityrsité De Eouen
  184. Universal Rectifier Geographic
  185. Ultimate Recycling
  186. Unidad Residencial
  187. Urine Receptacle
  188. Update Requests Technology, Service, Timer, Registration
  189. Universityrsity of Roorkee
  190. Uncle Rex Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  191. Upper Receiver
  192. Unified Requirements
  193. University Review
  194. Urgent Requirements
  195. Unknown Result
  196. Universityrsidad Regiomontana
  197. Your / You're Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  198. Universityrsité De Renves
  199. Unitrode Business & Finance, Suppliers
  200. Ultimate Recipient
  201. Unidad Remota
  202. Urinary Recovery Medical
  203. Update Request Forum, Technology, Locations, Card
  204. Universityrsity of Regina
  205. User Rate Computing, Telecom
  206. Upper Reach
  207. Unified Reporter
  208. University Recycling
  209. Urgence Relative Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Triage
  210. UniversitäT Regensburg Student, Education, University
  211. Uwe Rwes
  212. Office of the Vice President for University Relations Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  213. Universityrsité De Reims
  214. Utilization Review Medical, Technology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Common Medical
  215. Ultimate Ratio
  216. Universityrsity of Rochester Education, Academia, United States, Higher Education
  217. Unidad Reajustable
  218. Urinary Of, pertaining to, containing, or producing urine. Medical, Medicine, Health, Legal, Governmental & Military
  219. Update Ready Technology
  220. Universityrsity of Regensburg
  221. Unit Record Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  222. Ultimate Responsibility Army, University, Determinism
  223. Upper Rate Business, Pacemaker, Pacing
  224. Unified Rendering
  225. University Residence
  226. Urban
  227. Unconditioned Response Medical, Physiology
  228. Universityrsal Recipient
  229. Unemployment Rate The number of unemployed people measured as a proportion of the labour force. Business & Finance, Business Word
  230. Ultima Ratio Military, Intervention, Commando
  231. University of Regina Student, Education, Development, Study, Campus, Universities
  232. Unidades De Riego
  233. Urinal A urinal is a sanitary plumbing fixture for urination only. The term "urinal" may also apply to a small building or other structure containing such fixtures. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  234. Until Recently
  235. Universitersity of Reading
  236. Universal Reconciliation Religion
  237. Ultimate Reserves
  238. Unidirectional Ring
  239. University Requirements Student, Education, Study
  240. Universityrsidad De La Rvoja
  241. University Reserve Student, Education, Course
  242. Urdu Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  243. User Register
  244. Ulster Resistance Military, Group, Ireland
  245. Urznal Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  246. Unsubscribe Request
  247. Universityrsity of Rangeon
  248. Uber Reincarnation Religion
  249. Ultimate Renaissance
  250. Upper Roof
  251. Unidentified Raptor
  252. University Requirement Student, Science, Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does UR stand for?

    UR stands for Ultimate Receiver.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ulster Railway?

    The short form of "Ulster Railway" is UR.


UR. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ur-meaning/

Last updated